52. Biteulbiteul (BTBT)

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PREVIOUSLY: Naruto and Gaara kept their eyes open as Kakashi's body glowed and a beautifully pale white-silver sheen covered his skin, getting stronger and thicker, then as he let go of his remaining inhibitions, they watched as his colours covered them too. Thrusting faster, cerulean blue meeting teal green eyes, they released their chakra to mix with their wolf's as they released their seed inside him, shooting the ribbons of cum that were too much for his passage to hold and it leaked out of their silver-haired mates abused hole and leaked over their cocks and balls, they both bit deeply enough to his shoulders to draw blood, and to allow their souls to completely become one, and Kakashi screamed at the overwhelming pleasure, and passed out.
Their soul-bond was complete, and somewhere in another part of the Estate, a biju was being coerced out of going to strangle his Kit and two kit-in-laws....


Kurama's P.O.V.

Once I felt the heat die down (and stay down) from the room my kits were in, I decided they'd had enough time to slake their lust. It was time for battle. I made sure everyone else had packed and been transported to Suna, a safe place under the oasis just a few miles away from the Kage's Estate.

Shukaku had checked silently on his kit's family. They were relatively safe where they were for now, but I needed to get the Wolf, the Cheetah, and my little Fox to Suna as soon as possible. I knocked firmly on their door.

"Kits, it is time to leave. Everyone else is already in Suna at the place Gaara carved out for himself a few years ago, you know the place." I called through it. My grandkits were safe with the Medic and the Crow.

I heard rustling and knew they were getting dressed. Sniffing the air, I wrinkled my nose. The stench of lust hung heavy in the air.

"I'm going to whip your asses later for doing this right before a battle. I hope you slaked your thirst for each other for a while, we're about to head into battle Kits, and I know that you're going to have a tough fight ahead of you. You may need to use your combined animal strengths; I doubt the Wens have lessened in strength over the years. Kit..." I hesitated, took a deep breath, and said my apologies anyway, "Kit, I'm sorry. I didn't know I'd find a kind Jinchuuriki in my lifetime. I never thought about the consequences of what might happen after we were all captured and forced to serve. I love you like you're my own kit. I would never hurt you. Not deliberately."

The door to the room opened and Naruto gazed at me steadily. "Kurama. Stop. You know that we'd never blame you, none of us. You taught me that we protect our own, and you're as much our family as we are yours."

"Stop blaming yourself and help us kick their asses." Agreed a dazed Kakashi, coming behind Naruto, wrapping an arm around my blond kit. The redhead wasn't far behind, "Yes Kurama. There is no need to blame yourself when it happened prior to any of us even existing. There is no need for apologies, just tell us how to deal with them. Permanently." Gaara spoke up after Kakashi.

A wry smile crossed my lips.
Yes. These were Naruto's mates, and they are worthy of him. It had been a battle, long and painful, but he was worthy of their love, and he, theirs.

"I'll tell you as we move." I agreed. Holding out my arms to all of them, they moved in for a hug. Once I had them securely, I transported them to Gaara's cave in Suna.


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