38. The Next Chapter (Part 2)

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I told Kurama what had happened. From Kakashi becoming his Wolf-demon and describing his wolf to Kurama, to running free and showing him what it's really like, to running into Gaara and then seeing the teal thread on both Kakashi and Gaara's wrists, running out of mine and Gaara's hide away without a word to either my mate OR Gaara. Kurama raised his hand and clipped me across the back of the head. "Oh my Kami, Kit you're a total idiot! Why don't you look at your own wrist properly?" My Biju accused grabbing my hand and holding it in front of me. I looked at it, then back at him in muddled confusion. "What?" Molten gold eyes rolled as he huffed. "At YOUR wrist - dumbass. Look at YOUR wrist." My eyes moved from our joined hands to my wrist - upon which I saw a teal thread. The same one that had been on Gaara's wrist, and Kakashi's. My eyes widened, "Oops."

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Kurama's P.O.V.

I shook my head in exasperation when he said 'oops'. I swear, this kit doesn't know when to not jump to conclusions, I know I taught him better than that as well as him knowing the villages ninja motto of 'look underneath the underneath'.

"You're so oblivious. I swear I taught you better than to assume the worst when the obvious is in front of you - even when you miss it." Tears welled in Naruto's eyes as the realization struck him of how badly he'd fucked up when he ran away from the situation. I wrapped my Kit up in a hug and let him cry out his tears, he was overly emotional due to the pregnancy and carrying my grandkits - I was looking forward to being able to teach them everything I knew. I heard my Kit gasp and one of his hands flew to his stomach. His watery blue eyes stared into mine as his signature smile showed through his tears. 

"Kurama! Did you feel that? Of course you didn't, what am I thinking? Kura the kits moved!!! Here! Here! Feel!!" My Kit grabbed my hand and laid it where he'd felt his kits move and I felt the tickle under his skin, I remember the feeling fondly and wonder if any of my own kits had survived when my den had been ambushed. "I have to go Kura! I'm so sorry to take you from 'Tachi and thank you for, like, everything! Love you Kyuu!" He'd barely finished yelling as he morphed into his fox-form and sprinted back towards where he'd come from.

Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I vanished and made my way back to my Ita and this Uzumaki-Iwa Deidara. I'm still unhappy that he is our fourth but if it's what the Fates and Kami have in store for me then I'll get used to it, I suppose. I'll trust Itachi's words since he has known this other ninja longer than I have, but if he dares hurt my Kit again... 

He won't live to see the sunset.

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After Naruto bolted from the hideout
Hatake Kakashi's P.O.V.

I stared after Naruto as he fled the room unsure what I ought to do - follow or stay. I stared at Gaara, lost with confusion about what had happened to make my blond fiance vanish the way he did, I was hoping the redhead would be able to shine a light on my lover's behaviour, but found him staring at his own wrist and mine in awe and wondered why he was doing so.

"Does he do that often?" I asked with an awkward laugh. Soft teal eyes met mine and though there wasn't much to read on his face, the redhead's eyes were warmer than I remember, and the smallest upturn at the corner of his lips showing his amusement. "Yes. Naruto is very good at assuming the worst and taking off - you guys must not have been together long if this is the first time it's happened," Gaara's smile brightened his face a little more, drawing me in. 

"We've been together a few months, so not long at all." I responded making his eyebrows raise, disbelief in his words as he marvelled, "MONTHS? You've been together months and he hasn't bolted on you yet? Or come to see me? Rude. I mean, he usually finds his way here at least once a week and we spend time together. Sometimes a few hours or sometimes a couple of days. One time he stayed here for a full month and told me later on that the only people who noticed him missing were his Sensei and his Academy teacher. He really admires both of them so much. Do you know them? How are they?" Gaara asked expectantly, as though he didn't know anything about what had happened.

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