(60.) Flame

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PREVIOUSLY: She dropped a small scroll from her black beak before demanding I write an immediate response to send back. "Give me a moment, Darlin." I said to her, she was Itachi-nii's best and fastest summon crow, so I knew it would have to be important. I read his note and felt myself pale. Grabbing Kiba's hand I half-asked him, "Fetch your stuff and meet me for a sleepover at Naruto's place, yeah babe? I'll get Ita-nii to explain when we get there." I promised, whispering the last part so only he could hear. Kiba hesitated only a moment before nodding and shunshining away.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

Sasuke was strapping the last pair of kunai around his wrists when Kiba arrived at the Uchiha Clan's main house in a shadow-swirl, Akamaru in tow, and watched the other carefully as he finished strapping the weapons.

"Just how many weapons do you have on you?" The brunette asked, sniffing the air. The raven lifted the edge of his lips as he responded in a low voice, "How many do you think I've got?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow at Kiba. The brunette concentrated for a minute or so, and frowned. "I'm one hundred percent you've got more than I can sense, but I've counted about forty or so."
The raven's eyes opened wide in mild surprise and admiration as he inclined his head, a shy smile blooming on his lips, "Hn." Sasuke made a noise that meant yes, and Kiba, whose mouth dropped open, was gobsmacked. "Seriously?" Kiba asked the boy he loved. "Yes." Sasuke responded, nodding. "I have forty-three on me, and more in scrolls."

Akamaru and the teens grabbed their things and shunshined to the outer training areas of the Village. It seemed only as if they were going to do some light training in Training Ground 44, but in reality, one of the trapdoors to the singular underground tunnel to the Uzumaki-Namikaze Estate was well hidden in the Forest of Death. Naruto and most of the Rookies knew none of the villagers would willingly enter Ground 44, and only nins who were training for their Jounin or ANBU Rank would willingly enter the Forest of Death.

Kiba and Sasuke decided to set up camp near a waterfall before they trained for a while before entering the tunnel; it was well hidden in the back of the cave behind the waterfall, then behind a false wall, a genjutsu, and another false wall. Using the tents outside the waterfall as their home base for the duration of the training they were doing. Making a show of putting their campsite up and belongings away before coming back out and beginning to spar lightly, testing each other. For anyone watching it seemed as if the pair were only making a concerted effort to improve their ninja skills.

For Uchiha Itachi, it seemed as though his brother was just screwing around with his 'not boyfriend'. Darlin came and dropped another scroll, hitting Sasuke on the head accurately and making him cry out. "Oi! Nii-san! That hurts," the raven complained while rubbing the small bump on his head. "We just gotta get rid of the spectator, nii-san, before we leave from here."

The elder Uchiha found that he was proud of his brother for being attentive to his surroundings, though he believed it wasn't a threat. Itachi told his brother through their mindlink, 'Get your ass here, Sasuke. The person is not a threat, it's Deidara. Don't forget to bring your lover, loser.' Itachi teased his younger brother, knowing that Kiba wasn't included in the mindlink now that the Wens had been defeated.

Sasuke blushed, "Fuck off, nii-san," he muttered, cursing his brother out while trying to keep attacking Kiba and Akamaru and not get his ass kicked. Kiba noticed the distraction and took advantage, pinning the raven haired male, his head hitting the ground quite firmly. "Oww!" Sasuke complained.

"Pinned ya," Kiba teased, enjoying the blush that crept up Sasuke's ears. "Ow! It's Tachi's fault," he blamed, "if nii-san wasn't talking in my head it wouldn't have distracted me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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