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** extra scenes added at the end, so please read all the way past the video clip [SONG/ARTIST: Without You by Ursine Vulpine and Annaca] for extra scenes.
*** Warning? tonnes of smut. Blonde, Crimson, and Silver --- SMUTTY GOODNESS

PREVIOUSLY: As though Sakura's words had cursed the scenery, colour rapidly drained from the landscape. The hill with the cherry blossom tree and the fields as far as they could see became dull, the sky turned cloudy and grey. A dank and oppressing atmosphere smothering their smiles in the same moment as the group watched two people appear from thin air, smoke covering their entrance point as they fought - the blond backing up the hill while the long-haired attacker held a knife or dagger in each hand, each glowing with a dirty red aura surrounding it. The laughter as the person attacked the blond was cold, calculating. Each person watching felt a cold streak down their back as they heard it.


3rd Person's P.O.V.
Kitchen Table of the Namikaze-Uzumaki-Hatake Estate

After the vision had finished and everyone's consciousness was dumped back roughly, a sombre mood fell over the group once they returned to their bodies.

Shisui, Sakura, Kiba and Sasuke all sat quietly, a heavy silence that draped over each of their shoulders. They couldn't believe what they'd seen. Sakura hugged all three boys to her, burying her head into Shisui's shoulder, crying.

"I... I never knew that he went through that!" Sakura cried out, with tears rolling down her face.

"Do you think that he knows we were there this time? I mean, I know that we weren't supposed to be there the first time but I don't understand why we got taken into his mindscape in this time." Sasuke asked. Shisui shook his head slowly but before he could say anything he was interrupted by Kiba, worrying.

"That wasn't that long ago, it was when Naruto saved me and him from being trapped in my mindscape - when you guys all said that I wasn't me, and Sasuke knocked me out but it trapped us." Kiba said, giving a half explanation for the elder Uchiha's sake, Shisui responded to his comment.

"Hn. I don't think we were even supposed to be there- I certainly wasn't. It could be because you were in the mindscape last time that you got taken in this time, although you weren't there for the whole thing last time, that could be why you ended up going for the trip this time. I think the only reason that I got brought along with you is because there was physical contact between me and Sakura, otherwise I don't think I would have been drawn in. Even then, it must have been something, or someone, pretty damn powerful to have been able to drag us all into Naruto's mindscape like it was a simple feat."

The eldest Uchiha said, thinking aloud, wondering if it was the biju who dragged them into his blond Jinchuuriki's mindscape, and he also wondered if it had anything to do with his run-in with the rogue nin that left him with the injuries Sakura was treating him for prior to them being dragged away to the mindscape viewing room.


Subaku Gaara's P.O.V.
Basement of the Namikaze-Uzumaki-Hatake Estate

PREVIOUSLY: "They did what now?" Gaara stared at the others in the quiet room, opening his arms to Naruto and Kakashi, who moved into his embrace. Kissing Naruto's whiskered cheek and caressing Kakashi's face, I spoke quietly. "They're dead men walking."

I knew that there were others in the mindscape memory than there were supposed to be, though I am unsure if anyone else sensed them; both Naruto's team-mates, another Uchiha, and the dog-boy. They were present at the end of his memory so I suppose that is why they were brought in this time, and it was such an emotive memory. Condensed, potent, volatile...

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