1. Lost, and Found

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*** TRIGGER WARNING *** Violence, rape, abuse, torture, swearing
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- - - - - - - time-skip no jutsu nine years to October Tenth (Naruto's Birthday) - - - - - - -

3rd Person P.O.V

It was night time when Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki now a (smaller than normal) twelve year old child who was abused constantly by the villagers and shinobi of Konoha for (unknowingly) having a biju sealed inside of him. He was eating ramen at his favourite store, Ichiraku Ramen, with Ayame-Chan and Teuchi-Sama. 

This was the only place where he can be free from the physical and mental torture- and probably the only place he could be where his sanity is still intact. Naruto was about to head back home after finishing his dinner when two drunken villagers came into his view. Naruto knew what was going to happen, the same thing that always happened every night, and he knew it would be worse tonight because it was his birthday - that he would be chased and tortured again, but he still tried to escape. Unfortunately one of the drunken men spotted him and called out to his friends that the demon fox was out tonight for hunting.

Seeing this, Naruto tried to run (keyword: tried) but he wasn't fast enough and a hand grabbed his wrist roughly, yanking him towards the growing crowd of drunken villagers. His eyes widen in fear and terror as he trembled slightly, trying not to let the villagers know how scared he really is. He squeezed his eyes shut as he waited for the inevitable beating he would receive. He was busy trying to calm the pounding of his heartbeat in his ears that he didn't hear one of the men calling him cutie, or saying they were going to have a different kind of fun with the 'demon' to teach it a lesson for killing so many of their loved ones. Naruto yelped as he was shoved into a dark, dirty alleyway where he had his ragged shirt ripped off. Naruto did not anticipate this which caused more fear to burn through him, his breathing hitching when the drunken man who ripped his shirt off pinned him against the wall and started to take off Naruto's pants. Naruto tried to squirm away and escape but other villagers viciously stabbed kunai into each of Naruto's hands and legs effectively pinning him to the wall and making it so he couldn't move.

One of the drunken men stripped Naruto's pants and underwear from him while Naruto was moving around and trying desperately to get away, despite the agony of feeling the steel of the kunai pierced through his palms and calves. Naruto felt agony as the drunkard thrust his cock into his ass and feeling the skin splitting, ripping, and the blood start to slide down his thighs, tears that had built up in the boys usually clear and bright blue eyes started streaming down his face, all the while he was trying not to make a sound; knowing that this was what the mob of villagers wanted - to hear him cry or sob, to hear him plead for mercy while they were raping and violating him, taking turns violating the small boy as if he were a picnic basket full of delicious sweets at a clan gathering that got passed around to every person. 

The villagers laughed and cheered while each person had a turn violating the boy, slicing into the child's skin, carving words like demon, monster, worthless, die, filthy demon, whore and runt, onto every piece of flesh the blonde boy had, even carving over old scars that they'd previously made. Villagers taking turns cutting the boy while others kept on beating him. They beat him with their fists and wooden sticks, shuriken and kunai stabbed viciously into his arms, stomach, shoulders and legs; while others poured alcohol and poisons onto the open wounds to make sure they would scar and not heal properly. The men fucked him and women violated his already bleeding hole with sticks, glass bottles and kunai. They tortured the blonde boy they called a demon well into the early hours of the morning.

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