43. To War, Rescue Mission

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PREVIOUSLY- 3rd Person's P.O.V.:
"Like what you see, mate?" Kurama half teased, curious about what his and Itachi's new mate would say about him, hoping he wouldn't be rejected as Iruka had rejected him because he wasn't sure Itachi would be enough to bring him back from the edge of another meltdown. Deidara nodded earnestly. "Who wouldn't, un? I like Tachi, and you make him happier, un, I want to be part of that. Can we kill people now, un?" The blond with blue eyes looked earnestly at the man who was morphing into a fox as they spoke, hoping he would be able to make art with his beautiful bombs and explode them everywhere - before heading to the place that would be his new home and being railed by both the fox and the Uchiha in front of him. Deidara trembled with excitement.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

At the front -
Naruto, Gaara and Sasuke

PREV: Both Naruto and Gaara winced at the over-excited raven's yelling and the cheetah smacked Sasuke on the back of his head with its thick tail. "OW! What'd you do that for?" He cried out, shocked someone actually had the guts to hit him. 'Quiet, mates teme. Let's go save your Sensei and my mate.' Sasuke looked at the large fox and slightly smaller cheetah, admiring their coats for a moment before nodding. "Gomen. Let's go." The raven activated his sharingan and the trio took off into the trees.

Once the group had established they were where they were supposed to be, they came down from the trees, setting an obvious trap by walking into the middle of a clearing that was conveniently left unguarded.

A fox, a cheetah, and a raven sit on the edges of a clearing that's surrounded by enemy ninja and pull out a quick drink, the raven in the middle of the two large animals. The tail of the cheetah gently taps out a pattern on the raven's leg and is rewarded when the raven becomes embarrassed. "Stop teasing me brother-in-law!" He pouted, "that's not fair you know!" A chuffing sound came from the cheetah, as if it was laughing, and the group seemed quite off-guard and (almost) too relaxed for the kind of mission they were on.

"Is it that time already?" The raven whined, "I thought we were actually getting a challenge here." At the Uchiha's statement, the three nins in the middle of the ring lazily stood up, one brushing off his pants and brushing a leaf off the foxes hind leg, who let out a snuffle of surprise at the actions of the raven. The ebony haired ninja simply shrugged his shoulder and cracked his neck and, as though that were the catalyst, they all sprang into action.

The large fox swished his tails and the incoming kunai were blown off course, former owners becoming new targets that didn't see the kunai return for the dust, leaves and smaller debris that had also come along with the tail swipe. The antsy fox didn't waste a moment more of his time and made a beeline for the nearest ninja; since the blond child had been beaten so many times that he'd memorized the scents and chakra signatures of all those who had hurt him, Naruto didn't hesitate to snap each offending enemy ninjas neck with a single swipe of his paws or one of his tails... Said teenager generously shared this information with his mate and teammate - except the concurrent growl came from the Uchiha (not Gaara) and had the hairs on even Gaara's neck raising.

'Change back. Feed my Chidori with your Rasengan and let's end these fuckers now.' Naruto and Gaara were both stunned at the deadly fury that had created a killer intent so thick, it slowed down even the ANBU level ROOT members.

Gaara chuffed again as Naruto partially changed back giving a mild glare to the cheetah. They'd agreed that the Suna nin wouldn't change into his human form as it could be considered treason that the Kazekage was in the village, let alone aiding the slaughter of the entire ROOT Operation of Konohagakure.

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