46. The Aftermath (Part 1)

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PREVIOUSLY: [Naruto's P.O.V.] "Sorry-," a rusty whisper broke the silence, "I... made you... both worry..." Kakashi couldn't keep speaking aloud and broke into a coughing fit, one hand covering his mouth as he coughed, the other arm wrapped around and holding our kits firmly to his chest. Gaara carefully got up and brought a glass of honeyed water over, helping Kakashi drink it when he had stopped coughing after a long minute. I couldn't say anything around the lump in my throat. When I tried, I burst into tears.


Hatake Kakashi's P.O.V.

I'd heard everything Naruto said to Gaara, and whoever else was in the room because I could feel other chakra signatures; I heard what he said about my father, and his own, about how the village had used and abused us- regardless of how we were used, in very different ways, it was abuse nonetheless. It made me feel shitty for the way I had, in my own way, used Gaara to my own ends and purposes. My voice, along with the rest of my body, didn't want to work very well. 

"Sorry-," I whispered, breaking the silence, "I... made you... both worry.." 

The tickle in my throat became worse and I began to cough, badly. Wrapping my arms around the small warmth I was holding, I allowed myself to be helped to sit up by Gaara, gratefully accepting the glass of cooled water. Once I'd drank most of it I hand the glass back to my crimson haired mate. I looked into cerulean blue eyes that widened as they locked onto me, staring with a watery gaze, his mouth opening as if to speak but instead of words coming out it was sobs as he burst into tears. The warmth in my arms started to wriggle, snuffle and squirm around. I looked down in surprise and it took probably a full minute for me to comprehend what - or who - I was looking at. I was surprised again when there were two small pink tongues licking my face. As I stared at the two faces, my awed silence was interrupted.

"This is Aiko, and Ryunosuke. Your kits." A not yet familiar voice quietly murmured. I'm pretty sure the smile that cracked my face looked as horrible as most of me felt. "Ours," I corrected firmly, "We three are mates. They are ours." Brilliant teal eyes looked back at me, hesitant and a little surprised. I opened my arms to Naruto, who almost knocked me and Gaara, who was supporting me, back down. I was now sandwiched between Gaara, Aiko and Ryunosuke, and Naruto.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you my pretty baby. I really didn't. And Gaara?" I felt embarrassed that I had been in the wrong, "Gaara, it was wrong of me to use you in the way I did against Naruto. Especially in his state. I am sorry. Please. Please forgive me?" I bowed my head in apology to him. 

"I would have done the same thing, had I been in your place." I didn't know what I'd expected, but it definitely wasn't for Gaara to say that and it caused both Naruto and I to startle and stare at our crimson haired mate. His gaze didn't waver.

"I would have done the same. It got the quickest reaction and action taken. Even Shukaku helped us bring everyone of importance back. I believe he sent the others to Moreno Ibiki, I believe-" Gaara was cut off by a triumphant and grinning raccoon-like creature. 

"I sent them with a lengthy letter explaining how and why they assassinated Umino Iruka, and also attempted to assassinate the infamous copy-cat, Hatake Kakashi, who was sent on a fake mission for a  ninja-retrieval that didn't exist. I may also have given them evidence to prove it was the sleazy Uchiha-Wannabe who has Uchiha sharingan eyes implanted all up his arms that leads your corrupted Civilian Council who arranged everything. I did a brilliant job if I do say so myself!!" He proclaimed. I didn't recognize the being by name but I am certain it is the one-tail biju.

"SHUKAKU. Don't get too big of an ego." A softer, but still bold voice proclaimed. This voice I recognized.

"Kurama. Shukaku. You have my thanks for not leaving me behind." I spoke clearly, though embarrassed at the situation, feeling the shame heat my ears and cheeks. I was smacked on the back of the head by at least two tails. "OW!" I cried, a hand going to the back of my head.

"What was that for you fox!?" Demanded my fierce blond, eyes almost sparking at his biju. We were all wrapped in a hug by the fox and his nine-tails. "I smacked you because you're a fucking idiot child, for thinking we would ever leave one of our own behind." The crimson and gold Guardian explained simply, as if I were a small child that wouldn't understand while we were all wrapped together.

"The hug is because you are obviously feeling well enough to be a damn idiot. I promised you that if you ever hurt my kit, that I would kill you, didn't I?" The killing intent that surrounded what seemed to be just me dropped the temperature so quickly that I shivered. Nodding in agreement,

"Yeah, you did." I spoke quickly. "I hope that's not the only reason you came to get my sorry ass then," I (poorly) attempted to joke about the situation. I got a noogie in response from a tail. "No. You make my kit happy. Naruto has already had so much loss in his life that if I can spare one loss, one hurt, then I will."

At that we were all overly emotional, the nine-tailed fox gathered us all up in his arms (and tails) and brought us into a group hug. Naruto was crying again. Gaara looked surprised that he was included in the group hug. My eyes were tearing up. The kits yipped and wriggled around in my arms. Shukaku and Kurama squeezed us tightly in their arms between them. Something was dropped in my lap before a large, wet tongue licked me from my chin to my scarred Uchiha eye - resulting in everyone laughing at my reaction of (fake) horror. 

"Akamaru!" A voice screamed from up the stairs, followed by the thundering of two pairs of feet coming down the stairs. "Get back here you thief!"


SONG/ARTIST: Never Forget You by Zara Larsson and MNEK
ANIME: Tian Guan Ci Fu* / Heaven Official's Blessing (language: Chinese with English subtitles) is available to watch on Netflix - cuz that's where I watched Season 1. 

* Novel written by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - same author as Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / Founder of Diabolism / Mo Dao Zu Shi

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