2. Introductions, Laid Bare

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"I am ANBU. Known as Wolf. I've been out of the village for a period of time so I don't know what happened here tonight but I will stand guard while you heal your charge," he announced, "You will, however, tell me what happened once you have finished healing it." Wolf heard the figure huff angrily at the command but they swiftly resumed healing their charge as the ANBU shinobi took a cautious stance at the mouth of the alley; preventing anyone from entering but also not entirely turning his back on the possible threat behind him. The masked ANBU was wondering what had happened that was so bad that caused such a massive chakra flare he'd felt it across the village and why part of it had felt so familiar to him... It was a very . . . troublesome . . . problem. What he didn't realise was that it wasn't just that something bad had happened. It was something much, much worse than he had ever seen or thought possible...


3rd Person P.O.V

Once the figure had stabilised the child it looked towards the ANBU, hesitating to trust the male who had stood guard for them, and cleared their throat, "We need to leave immediately, before the monsters return. Is there somewhere safe you can take us? I can't take him to his apartment, they are waiting for our return.. Take us to safety then ask your questions. He needs a SAFE place to recover, where nobody can find him. At all." The Guardian said with a snarl. Picking up his charge carefully, as if the bundle were a most precious and valuable heirloom the figure wrapped the child in his robes as he readied himself and the child to leave the their current location. "There is only so much I can do for him, even with my healing capabilities and chakra reserves..." the Guardian muttered, his voice fading on the last few words, almost as if he hoped the ANBU wouldn't hear him. The ANBU inclined his head slightly, indicating he understood. "Follow me."

The silver haired operative noticed both the hesitation in the Guardian and the doubt that flickered in the bright red eyes, then a spark of determination as they steeled their resolve. The young ANBU sighed quietly before saying, "I give you my word. Nobody will find you there even if they are searching. I'm taking you home," He had made a split-second and risky decision hoping it wouldn't be the last one he made before jumping back up to the rooftops and sprinting across them toward his own apartment. At the speed they travelled it took only minutes before they arrived, entering through a concealed trap-door he'd installed in his basement the young shinobi lead the Guardian and its charge to the living area of his house. While the Guardian laid down what used to be a blonde-haired child on a futon on the living room floor the ANBU moved his mask to the top of his head and replaced the secrecy seals and cast additional jutsu on his apartment so anyone coming to visit would think the tenant had not yet returned - unless they knew what to listen for.

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Kakashi's P.O.V

After resetting the seals I quickly summoned Pakkun and sent him to the Sandaime Hokage. I told my ninken to report to the Hokage that this was a Triple S-Ranked message and then gave him a sealed scroll for the Hokage which detailed everything that had happened; I also included a request for nobody to know I had returned yet as I looked over at the Guardian of the tiny form. 'The child looks to be very young because of its size. What the hell happened? Where did they come from? What have they endured?' Thoughts race across my mind as I fill up a basin with warm water and gather cloths and towels to clean and dry the child with. I make sure to have bandages, scissors, a needle and thread, and antiseptic as well. After bringing everything over and placing it beside the strangers in my house I fetch a spare blanket, a shirt, some underwear and soft sweatpants with a drawstring. Laying them on the sofa I draw in a breath to calm my nerves. 'I guess it's time for introductions.' "I am Hatake Kakashi. Currently the highest ranking ANBU in the village of Konoha and as mentioned I am ANBU Wolf." 

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