27. Why The Long Face ... ?

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Graphic violence, swearing, abuse, smut (maybe), gore

(Previously: 3rd Person P.O.V) Kiba said cautiously, as if weighing the options, "Will it work if I make a door we can walk through, and we get out that way? Like it will let us walk through here and back to your place? Do you think it will that work?" "It's your mind Kiba, only you can let us out of here at this point." The blond patted the brunette on the shoulder, the brunette nodded. He leaped down from the tree and the brunette pictured a door opening in the trunk of the large tree near Team 7's Training Ground. Pumping a fist in the air when he saw the door appear, jumped on his friends back, "Let's get out of here then Kibbles," he laughed as Kiba grimaced and shot the blond a very dirty look at the nickname, the brunette then opened the door and walked through. 

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*Setting the scene, please be patient. Take note of introductions of characters from previous chapter, because.. important.. That is all. *

Guest bedroom of the Namikaze-Uzumaki (Hatake) Compound
* while Naruto and Kiba are trapped in the Inuzuka's mindscape *
3rd Person P.O.V

It's been several hours since Kiba and Naruto were knocked unconscious... 

Most of the rookies had left, with promises to come back the following day to check and see how their teammates were doing. The few rookies who remained were Kiba, who they had taken to the guest bedroom to rest, Sasuke and Sakura. Sakura had found her passion a little while ago, when she discovered she had a great deal of talent, and was in training to become a fully trained medic-nin. She found the work more rewarding than fawning all over Sasuke all the time (and getting nowhere, obviously). 

Naruto had earlier discovered that most of the rooms in the main house had two large double beds in each room (known in Australia & New Zealand as a Queen size bed), as well as an en-suite adjoining two rooms. Naruto and Kiba each lay on one of the beds in the guest room directly opposite Kakashi and Naruto's own room, so that Sakura could monitor both of their conditions while they were knocked out. Sasuke sat quietly next to the bed holding Kiba's hand, constantly checking his temperature or channelling small amounts of chakra into him, in the hopes that it would bring him back quicker. Kakashi lay on the bed with Naruto, laying behind him and holding the younger's body against his own to share his body-heat and chakra, knowing that this would help his soulmate come back to him - hopefully unscathed.

"Sasuke. Just get on the bed already and lay behind Kiba, like Kakashi-sensei is doing with Naruto. This will keep his body temperature stabilised and keep him grounded." Itachi spoke quietly from the doorway, holding hot drinks for them. Kurama froze, eyes distant, "Shit." Suddenly he kissed Itachi soundly, "Something's wrong. I'll be back. Love you Ita." He whispered the last part into his crow's ear before sitting next to the prone blond and disappearing (back into the seal and his hosts mindscape). "Love you to, fox. Come back soon," he replied to the air. A small stick, no more than 30 centimetres long, with cherry blossoms blooming appeared on the bed next to Naruto, making the silver-haired nin grin at the crow cheekily. "What? Don't look at me like that, you kn---" 

'ITACHI! I NEED YOU NOW! WOLF, STAY.' Kakashi and Itachi heard the crimson haired males voice call urgently. Team Seven watched as both ANBU's faces paled to the pure white of freshly fallen snow, wondering what could cause such a reaction from both of the seasoned ninja's at the same time. Sharing a concerned glance, Sasuke was the one to speak up, "Nii-san? What's happened? What's wrong?," the raven asked his brother. Itachi didn't reply and remained staring at the wall blankly, seeming to have zoned out (same thing Naruto does when he's talking to the Kyuubi telepathically). 

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