10. I Found ...

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PREVIOUSLY: (3rd Person P.O.V) "... should anyone come looking for me; tell them I've been sent on an extended mission or a leave of absence, I don't care. Also say I've taken the jinchuuriki with me. I'll send Pakkun to you with a list of things we need. Contact Iruka and get him to deliver the items, he's the only other person I know I can trust so if you tell him about this make damn sure there are no second ears listening. I'll send for Itachi and ask him to return temporarily." Kakashi stood up with little difficulty, lifting and adjusting Naruto's taller and more lithe frame. He nodded to the Hokage, looked at Kurama, and shun-shined away. Kurama didn't disappear with them. He took one long, measuring look at the current Hokage, "You won't be around forever. You need to let the next generation take the lead and show that you believe he can do it." Before Sarutobi could answer Kurama, he was gone.

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3rd Person P.O.V

Kakashi shun-shined back to his apartment with Naruto securely in his arms, and once they got back he laid Naruto on the bed, sighing when the blond wouldn't let go of him. He laid down on the bed with him, carefully trying to pry the vice-like grip from around him. "Don't bother trying to get out of his arms, he won't let go until he wakes up. I haven't seen him like this since a little after he befriended me." Called a soft voice from the doorway. "You'd be better off just resting with him, for now. You'll need the energy to keep up with the brat. I'll check the Compound perimeter and be back in a while. We'll talk once I get back, I ought to have enough energy to be able to bring you into kit's mindscape, just remember what I said about maintaining your chakra or it can backfire and I don't want my kit to suffer any more than he already has." Kurama placed a fresh pitcher of water and 2 glasses on the bedside table. He placed a kiss on Naruto's forehead, then kissed the shinobi's forehead too. "Look after him for me." The silver haired man could only nod, surprised that the fox had shown him the same care as he showed for the sleeping blond.

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Kakashi's P.O.V

'I didn't know what to think when Kurama kissed my forehead too, it was completely unexpected. I hope this means he's accepted me as his.. What would I be if Naruto and I marry? Will I be his son-in-law? Will he be my father-in-law? I don't know.... Wait, marry? Isn't that a bit soon to be thinking about marriage? Although, maybe it isn't too early, he'd make a beautiful bride, no, he'd make a beautiful husband, walking down to meet me under the sakura tree... It'd be early Autumn and we'd dance under the falling blossoms.' 

As I was daydreaming about our wedding and the plans I wanted to make with him, I drifted off in a light doze with my fantasies. I didn't know how long I'd been daydreaming because I came out of my light sleep to a pair of hands taking my headband and mask off before being kissed by a familiar set of lips, pulling me out of my dreams and into the present quite quickly. The clear blue eyes I was looking into made me feel like I could fall into them for days and not care that I was drowning, the full tempting lips that had kissed me were shaped into a seductive smile, just one side raised at the side showing his adorable dimple. "Hi," he said in a small voice, a little raspy from just waking up. "Hi beautiful," I replied, with a kiss of my own. "I'm not beautiful! Uhm.. Why are we on your bed, didn't we go to see the Hokage? How did I get here? Did you carry me - I'm too heavy to be carried! Where's Kuram... mmpff..!" I cut him off with another kiss, silencing his words and encouraging him to deepen the kiss with me by swiping my tongue across his bottom lip, he allowed me entrance and our tongues tangled and danced with each other. I knew he was comfortable with making out and didn't want to push any of his boundaries or trigger another attack.

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