36. Interlude

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PREVIOUSLY: Akamaru was the first to pounce on the bed and give Naruto (and Kakashi) big sloppy kisses. Shortly after Akamaru landed on the large bed, everyone followed suit; Kiba and Sasuke, Neji and Shikamaru, Sakura, Ino and Choji had all joined in the group hug with choruses of positive affirmations from his new family and tickling from hands on his sensitive belly had Naruto giggling with the group, his woes momentarily pushed to the side of his mind and Naruto simply enjoyed the moment until Kakashi yelped. Looking at a sheepish Sasuke who shrugged lopsidedly and muttered, "I wanted to see if they're as soft as they look." "You didn't have to pinch them Sasuke!" Came a pained response from the silver haired ninja who was rubbing the top of his head. Blue eyes filled with curiosity stared into his own and the ninja bowed his head, placing Naruto's hands on his ears. " 'Kashi - you have wolf ears!" The blond exclaimed, as excited as a young child on their birthday celebration.

In the cells: "What the fuck Itachi-un? No way do you mean I'm related to that himbo out there!"

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In The Dungeons, a little while before...
Uchiha, Kitsune and Uzumaki-Iwa
Iwa Deidara's P.O.V.

Sitting in the darkened room on a tacky cot I cursed my luck. Walls outside the bars, that would usually be emblazoned with the house or Clan's symbol, were pale and bare. Only the Konoha swirl, but with no other clue of who's cells I'm in. 

Last thing I remember was that I'd been asking Itachi not to go home, I wanted him to stay with me but then he went and said he was pregnant - HA! Like I'm going to believe that bullshit! Musing to myself I didn't notice the soft footfalls approaching until I heard the murmurs of conversation. "Itachi-un!" I called out after recognizing one of the voices, the other voice I was sure I'd heard but couldn't place it at first.

Then I saw the two silhouettes walking towards me. I knew one of them as Itachi but the other one I thought could be the crimson haired dude from the other day, the one Itachi-un called his mate and also the asshole who swore at me about the loudmouth I'd chucked a couple of my clay cups at. I haven't worked out how that guy knew what I was gonna do or how he vanished so quickly and what the hell did they put on my wrist. 

"Oi! Itachi-un, what did you two bastards do to my wrist? Why is this red string still on here? What's this crazy shit? Un?" I yelled at them demanding answers I knew they had. Their conversation died down as they came closer to me and I caught the redhead checking me out. "What the fuck you want -un?" I spat at him. "Oi, Itachi your boyfriend's checking me out, un! Don't you think you better stop him -un?" I sassed, hoping I could cause a distraction long enough to steal the keys from them and fuck off out of here - where ever 'here' was. Loud laughter echoed in the hollow corridors and rooms from both of them and made me wonder if they had screws loose or something. 

A few minutes later both of them, with arms around each other, they each held out their own wrists towards me. "If you look closely Deidara, you'll see that all of us are joined by this red thread. Yourself to both me and Kyuu. It's not just you at all. You better hope that Naruto wakes up because if he doesn't then Kyuu and I may lose another mate." Another mate? What do they mean by that? He confused me - what did he mean by another? "Itachi-un, what do you mean by another mate? Was there someone else? Other than you and Red here? Tell me, un." I wanted to know so I thought I'd ask even though I didn't expect to get an answer. The red head answered instead of Itachi.

"I am the biju of Konoha, you have no doubt heard of the Nine-tails Demon fox, yes?" I nodded and he kept talking, "Demons like me have one or more mates in our life. I hav- had. I had three. Umino Iruka, Uchiha Itachi and Uzumaki-Iwa Deidara. Iruka was taken from us by those who haven't been found - yet - so we can torture them for taking our mate. You are the fourth to complete us but we are now three. You have two choices tonight. You can accept the mate-bond and help us find those fuckers who took our third so we can kill them painfully and slowly, or you can reject the mate-bond and rot here in Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto's cells. Make a choice Uzumaki-Iwa Deidara."

It started as a snicker and grew into a hysterical laughter, my sides hurting from it. "Tell me more about this shit-un, this is funny as fuck. Namikaze-Uzumaki? Yeah, right!" The red head let out a low laugh that sent icy shivers snaking up my spine and my laughter tapered off. "Seriously though, Itachi-un, this is for real?" Eyes glowed crimson-gold as fox ears and tails splayed behind the tall guardian, whipping behind him with frustration. A deep sound growled out at me, "You tell me if it's real or not."

The one known to me as Kyuubi spat out before I saw a protective hand laid on his arm, his eyes flashing once more before dimming to a low burn like fireplace embers as I felt a harsh burn and saw the crimson flare through the thread around my wrist, I followed it back to see that it did join with both of theirs though the link between the pair outside the bars was much stronger than theirs to me or mine to them. 

"Fine, un, let's say I believe you. Itachi-un if I agree not to run away for now, can you get me out of here while we three talk about it, un? And, is there anything to eat here, un? I'm starving."

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Authors Note:

I'm really sorry about not posting my main chapter. 

It was over 6000 words and I went to edit it (final proofread before uploading and posting on Wattpad) but discovered that my son in one of his hissy fits has deleted all my stories. Totally. The originals, the backups off my USB and the backup backups on my other hard drive - yeah, I'm slightly paranoid that I'll lose work if something fails.. Unfortunately it was my son that imploded (read: had a hissy-fit that would make a tv drama producer proud) so I'm giving you this for now while I rewrite what was supposed to be this chapter.

My apologies that you've waited for something only 1000 words instead of a huge chapter I promised you. On the plus side, it shouldn't take me so long to rewrite because I DO still have my notebook and will use it to get this done quicker.

Have many great things sorted and hope you like this filler!

Personal Note:

Originally Published - 14/05/2021

EDITED: 2021/12/01

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