16. Out of the Shadows

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FIRST:   I'd love to thank CrazyAnimeLife1 for your book THE TRIPLE THREAT (a sasu-naru-gaara book) which inspired me to challenge myself to write the following chapter. I love your book - it's fucking awesome and you totally rock, I highly recommend The Triple Threat to everyone! 

SECOND:   It's my first time writing sex scenes with more than 2 people. Please go easy on me (unlike what these guys are about to do to each other). I Purple You <3



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Previously (Kurama P.O.V): When the realisation shot through me that maybe I was supposed to meet both of these men- not just one of them, and that they would perhaps come to mean as much to me as my first love did.. I won't lie and say it didn't shake me to my core, that these men wanted me. "Oh." My eyes widened and I felt my mouth drop open a little. "Ohh." That both of them wanted to be with me, to comfort me, this was a new feeling for me and I want to make it last while it does. "Yes." I said simply, smiling at them. Standing up, I let them lead me to a bedroom I didn't know Kakashi had downstairs, with a huge bed against one wall and a small bathroom to the side. "Yes."

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*Going to try a slightly different style here, so please bear with it*
3rd Person P.O.V

The three men moved into the room, the crow closed the door while the dolphin took the foxes face in his hands and, wiping away the remaining tears with his thumbs, he kissed the crimson-haired fox again, revelling in the scent of sandalwood, cinnamon and fresh earth. Itachi came up behind the fox and, with one hand, gathered his hair to one side exposing the pale neck which he then started kissing, causing the fox to moan. With his other hand Itachi reached his hand around the waist and pulled Kurama's plush rear against his groin, rubbing against the soft roundness. Iruka kept deepening the kiss with Kurama while one hand made its way to palm the bulge he knew was hiding under the light tunic, when he found what he was looking for, the brunette made sure to cup as much of the length as he could, moving his hand up and down repeating the movement to create extra friction to help the fox lose his mind and forget about the issues plaguing all of them at the moment. Kurama had one hand wrapped around Itachi, trying to hold himself close to the hardened length he could feel rubbing against his ass. Being kissed by two handsome guys at the same time made the Kyuubi so horny that all his nerve endings seemed come alive and become more sensitive than they usually were.

-- Itachi ('Chi or Ita') P.O.V --
I stopped kissing Kurama's neck while I discarded my shirt and pants, leaving only my boxers on, displaying my erection under the black fabric. Interrupting Iruka and Kurama's make-out session, I stripped Kurama of his tunic while Iruka shed his shirt and pants, leaving only his crimson lace panties, I have to admit that I'd never seen Iruka wearing less than shorts, but seeing him in that pair of lace panties.. I nearly blew my load into my boxers right then and there. "Kami.. That's... so fucking sexy 'Ru," I breathed, I noticed our fox was having a similar reaction to mine. "I feel over-dressed," I heard Kyuubi mumble, he sounded uncertain all of a sudden. Turning him to face us I placed a hand on his cheek. "What's wrong, Kyuu? It's okay if you've changed your mind.." I said slowly, hoping that he hadn't changed his mind, "I'm not so sure I'm any good at this.. It's been centuries. Literally." Iruka and I both reached for him at the same time and wrapped him in the biggest hug we could manage, kissing his cheeks I was about to say something else to reassure him but 'Ru got in first, laughing a little at his own embarrassment, "It's been a long while for all of us, gorgeous," the breathy laugh was like music to Kurama's ears, "I think we can manage to wing it, together," I added. "I'm not used to being... cared for. It's been forever since I've been shown romantic affection, been loved or even been able to show sexual love." Our fox half whispered to 'Ru and I. I saw on Iruka's face that Kurama's comment had the same affect on him as it did me. Pulling our fox closer, I undid his shirt and removed his tunic while 'Ru removed his pants, we were left looking in awe at an almost perfect male specimen (what did we expect? - he is the Nine-Tailed Fox). I knew wanted more of the kiss I'd had a taste of in the living room, kissing him gently I teased my tongue on his lips asking for entrance, which he gave and our tongues danced together, teasing and exploring each others mouths. He tasted a little like cinnamon and vanilla coffee.

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