58. Holder of the Sharingan

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PREVIOUSLY: "Distribute these to your team tomorrow. This is an SS-Class secret. Only those who need to know are permitted to be informed, anyone outside the specified few will be considered treason. Be extremely cautious as there are outside ears in the confidential circle. The Uchiha, the Kazekage, the Biju, and anyone else you deem that could be required to know this are to be brought into the loop. This is at your explicit discretion but you must send me one of Kakashi's summons with a portfolio of the person you have informed, including the reason. You are dismissed. Sakura, stay back please." The group bowed and shunshined out.There was a pause before I stood up and walked around the desk. Leaning against it, I looked her over. "I'm proud of how far you've come, Sakura. I want to offer you a Contract with my Slug Summons. Will you accept?" The pinkette stared at me for a few moments before hugging me, "YES!"


3rd Person's P.O.V.
*backtrack to when Kakashi shunshined out*

Shunshining back into the clearing, Kakashi rubbed the back of his head. Tsunade sure could pack a punch when she was angry. Almost as soon as he had reappeared, six of the other nins disappeared. Shikamaru, Neji, Rock Lee, Tenten, Sakura and Sasuke. The remaining members of the Rookie 12 looked at each other in curiosity.

"What's that all about?" Naruto questioned Kakashi, after seating himself on the elder males lap. The silver haired jonin wasn't sure where to start, so, hand on the back of his head he huffed in frustration. 

Kakashi Hatake made hand-signs, said a few words, and cast a genjutsu that would silence everyone from speaking about this outside of their secluded area in Training Ground 44, as well as casting several privacy seals around the group. Now, the Forest of Death held the ambience of a normal forest; birds chirping, the sounds of wind in the treetops, and noises of the native inhabitants of the forest were a constant background noise for the groups conversations... Disregarding the noises were from creatures that would just as easily eat you (or each other), and sometimes it would be the forest's plants or flowers or often the trees themselves which would attack you, but there was a distinct absence of silence that would be humming in the background. 

The unnatural silence that settled over the Forest of Death was eerie, Naruto physically shivering and Gaara scooching over to his mate and wrapping his cheetah tail around his blond's waist discreetly while holding his hands, rubbing his thumbs reassuringly over the back of Naruto's hands in a comforting manner.

Kakashi looked at the ground, the rocks, the trees - pretty much everywhere except Itachi, Naruto, Kurama and Gaara. He pulled out his Icha-Icha book, however he only flipped the pages, fidgeting with the cover corners.

"What happened, Kakashi-kun?" Gaara asked, not beating around the bush. The crimson haired male reached out one hand to touch the silver haired mates cheek through his mask. Kakashi shook his head in the negative, looked around and placed both a genjutsu on the area and a silencing spell; he looked down and closed his eyes tightly. Kakashi unsealed a scroll, then unsealed that scroll, pulling out several more pieces of parchment. "Naruto, call Kurama, please," he half-whispered, his voice with a husk to it which the blond knew meant his silver Wolf was feeling emotionally vulnerable.

Hands shaking slightly, Kakashi handed over the rolls of parchment to Gaara, Naruto and Itachi. Kurama appeared in a shunshin of crimson and gold shimmer, and the silver-haired jounin indicated with his hand that the scroll in Itachi's hands was relevant to the biju. Kakashi was shaking more than just slightly now as the scrolls were opened and the recipients silently reading the contents.

The air in the forest became oppressively heavier as the ninja read their scrolls. It was as if the animals and insects all knew the contents, feeling the emotions beginning to roil in the air, filling it the way that everyone knows it's there but nobody wants break the silence for fear of being the spark that sets off an explosion in the charged atmosphere... The oppressive atmosphere only seemed to grow heavier the longer they waited with bated breath to hear what was enclosed in the scrolls that Hatake Kakashi had come back with and handed out.

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