Please Read Me

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Hi everyone,

I hope you're all staying safe during this crazy time. COVID-19 is spreading like the virus it is, so make sure to always wash your hands after going to the toilet, handling/touching pets or money, and before eating. I love you guys, so stay healthy!

Thanks for reading my story, I hope you're enjoying it so far. I've written another 6 chapters more than what I've actually published, but I need to kill someone (several someone's) off - the more violent the better. Oh, yeah, one death is accidental.. Well, they're being murdered (wrong target acquired).. and the others are deliberate, hunting down the murderers and killing them.

I'd love for you guys to suggest ways I can do this. If I use your suggestion I'll tag you in the top of the chapter so that you know I've used all or part of your idea. I've been in isolation myself, so I've not had much else to do. I truly hope that you guys are loving reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it.

If I've read a story I really really really enjoyed, I'll also tag the author and put the book title in here. I won't publish anymore chapters though until someone reads this rubbish. Please let me know if you're even liking this.. Or reading it.. I'm going to stop writing for a while, I have a few chapters stored up, so.. Lemme know when you want me to publish more chapters <3 <3 <3

Please feel free to leave feedback.

Also below is just a shit tonne of my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE MV's for you to watch, so you know some of the songs that have inspired parts of this book, but I haven't included in the actual chapters because I was on my phone and I can only insert images while I'm on my phone (that's where I stored them, lol) and I can only insert the YouTube links when I'm on the laptop.

*UPDATE: June 2020* This book has been temporarily unpublished by the author for editing, but please read anything else because this author is amazing!!! <3 <3 <3

This author has crafted a book that has overwhelmed me with so much emotion that I cannot describe it. I came here straight away because the emotions that have been evoked include hope, sorrow, belief that there is more to life than living, that there is more to life than death. The pictures painted so vividly for me had me exclaiming in delight and wonder that I could almost feel what they were feeling, smell the ocean breeze, and peppermint.. I could almost smell the peppermint..


Thank you. Thank you for giving me this piece of art. Your descriptive writing.. You have left me breathless, left me haunted, I have fallen in love all over again. Your writing style is one I wish I were able to imitate or use, but the words always escape me. The tears, the heartbreak I felt at these words you have crafted for us..I do not have the proper words to describe how you have made me feel with your writing, I believe that whatever I write will not express enough the emotions evoked.Just... Thank you.

LITOST by Mrose557
This book is incomplete but I keep waiting on the edge of my seat for each new update. It has all things I need to keep me entranced with it - mystery, angst, heartache, overcoming hurdles together, growth and new friends who give a shit. Please read this book, support this author.

Just read it. Sweet, soft, full of memories. Primarily TaeKook with a decent serve of YoonMin & a dash of Hoseok and NamJin <3 <3 <3

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