42. You Asked For War? War It Is.

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PREVIOUSLY: (Kakashi's P.O.V.) Cracking my neck to the side and concentrating, I allowed my demon to join me as I stripped; first my wolf ears were freed, a shiver running down my spine and allowing my tail to be exposed, I fell down- my two large front paws hitting the earth, joining my hind legs firmly planted. I was able to do my jutsu in this form by thinking the hand movements in my mind, as long as I was alert and focused. I knew that Danzo would have a hell of a time with the report these nins would give to the Council, if any made it back, because sure as hell if I was going to go down then I'd be taking as many of them with me as I could. The first two teams came into the clearing, and I began the battle that would either give my family peace, or if Konoha would be starting a bloody war they would surely lose...


Naruto's P.O.V.

I woke up about an hour after Gaara had put us to bed; sitting bolt upright and wide awake I knew that something was wrong.

"Gaara," I went to shake him but he was already awake. "Gaara, we need to find Kakashi. Something is very wrong." I held onto his arm and stared in his eyes, opening our link. Teal eyes looked back at me while trying to mask that he knew something about it that I didn't - also that he was unlikely to tell me even if I begged him. When I couldn't open the link to Kakashi, I began to panic.

"You know. You know what's wrong," my mate inclined his head a little. "Tell me," I said, Gaara shook his head no.

Closing my eyes, I did the handsigns for the jutsu to summon Kurama and called him.

"Summoning Jutsu- Kyuubi no Kitsune!" I called out. A poof of smoke and a bedraggled Itachi hanging onto my crimson haired Guardian could be seen, it didn't take much guesswork as to why they both appeared.

'Why did you summon me Kit? I was busy.' Growled the crimson male.

"Kyuubi no Kitsune I have summoned you and order you to take me to Hatake Kakashi, the Konoha Copy-Nin and my second mate. Wherever and however he may be at this moment." I demanded, brushing my hair out of my face, not bothering to greet my father-figure and his soon to be husband. When Itachi heard my demand he came to full attention, pulling the hair tie off his wrist and tying his hair back in his usual low ponytail, nudging his lover to do as I asked. Itachi looked at me, but not to question how I knew Kakashi was in trouble.

"Naruto. Let's take some of your classmates. Pick three. I'll send a crow to tell them be ready in three minutes." Itachi instructed, placing a hand on my shoulder firmly. Gaara wrapped his hand around mine, nodding at me when we locked eyes again.
His pretty eyes sparkled with something that looked suspiciously like a tear as they apologized to me with a look. I inclined my head. "Four," I bargained, "Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Hyuuga Neji and Nara Shikamaru." Kurama and Itachi looked at each other, shrugging, before Itachi sent the crows flying.

"Why them?" Asked Kurama curiously. "Sasuke and Sakura because we are Team 7, we can justify going to rescue our Sensei. But really, I chose Sasuke since we know each other best, we fight together or against each other and are evenly matched in skill. Sakura because she's a medic-nin. Neji for his byakugan, and Shikamaru for his exceptional mind." Kurama nodded in understanding.

We split up and in less than two minutes we were ready. Gaara had his gourd strapped on, Itachi had on his Akatsuki cloak and had given me his spare to wear because of the built-in extra protection they contained, Deidara was wearing his Akatsuki cloak and watching Gaara warily. I wondered briefly what he'd done to Gaara - or what my mate had done to him before deciding I don't really care.

Kurama had left and was fetching each of the nins I had asked to bring - although he was just sending them directly to the Estate with his biju teleportation talisman, leaving them looking slightly queasy.

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