32. Stranger and Strangers? (Part 3)

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SONG/ARTIST: Bring Me To Life - Evanescence

PREVIOUSLY: Naruto spoke almost too quietly, too calmly. Sasuke stared at Naruto with concern, wondering how much hell he had been through. Crimson eyes flashed from the empty darkness of the alley. "Whatever you're thinking dog-lover I can promise you that what's happened to my Kit is much, much worse than you could ever imagine. It's not my place, but if you want to know I suggest you ask him when you're private. Out here? Someone will overhear and figure out who he is - we don't need that in his condition. If he's beaten even a fraction the way he was a few weeks ago my Kit and his Wolf will lose their kits. It would be a choice between my Kit or his, and his aren't yet old enough to survive out here." Sakura looked horrified at this information because she was a medic-in-training so she knew not only about how to heal a body but also what kinds of injuries would cause different levels of damage. "Holy Shit," she whispered.

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3rd Person's P.O.V.

Naruto's tanned face blanched again as he scrambled to retch into an alley bin. Kakashi was no longer restrained by the transformation jutsu his blond was wearing and moved to hold his hair out of his face and rubbing his back gently to ease the heaving, his own face paling visibly when he noticed blood in the vomit. "Sakura," his voice shook on the word, "there's blood. Sasuke get Tsunade and meet us at home." Both looked at their sensei with shock, momentarily frozen before their wits returned and Sasuke shunshined away to find the best medic-nin of Konoha, leaving the pinkette to hurry to her friends side. Naruto tripped over nothing and staggered where he stood, a hand reaching for his silver-haired lover as his knees buckled underneath him and his world went dark.

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At The Compound
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Naruto lay on the bed panting as Kakashi sat by his side with two buckets on the floor next to him; one for his lover to puke into, the other three-quarters filled with cool water and a large soft cloth to wipe him down. A large jug of water and two cups were on the nightstand next to the bed, one cup containing herbs to ease nausea and the other filled with water. Looking at his boyfriend whose sapphire eyes were clouded over and his hand clamping Kakashi's larger one in a vice-like grip the blond groaned in pain, the jounin wincing at the sound. "Drink?" The blond nodded and his boyfriend lifted the cup of herbs to his mouth, the younger swallowing the concoction with a grimace.

Sasuke had found Tsunade in one of the gambling halls with Shizune trying to drag her out already (not having much luck) but until the busty medic heard the raven tell her it was about 'the pups he was looking after' she dropped what she was doing and followed him back to the Namikaze-Uzumaki Compound.

Nobody present could work out what was wrong with their loud knuckleheaded ninja which was concerning especially since even the Kyuubi did not know what was happening to his host as he hadn't had a male host before Naruto.

*** SeVeRaL hOuRs LaTeR ***

Main house
Sasuke's P.O.V.

It's been hours now and none of us know what's wrong with the dobe, as soon as we think there's a solution something changes. He's sweating like it's the middle of summer in Suna but Kakashi-sensei says the dobe's skin is ice cold like river water in the middle of winter. How is that even possible? Like, how?

I was sitting in front of the television with some random movie playing but I wasn't paying any attention to it. There was a commotion out the front and someone burst through the front door, yelling and screaming like the house was on fire so I dragged my body out of the seat and poked my head around the corner to see who was making all the noise. I saw dark hair, tanned skin and a face with two red triangles painted on the cheeks and knew it was the teenager I recently discovered I have feelings for. I moved out of the doorway and crossed my arms in front of me, pretending to be bored to see him and when Kiba raced over he almost knocked me on my ass but, thankfully, he caught me before I went flying.

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