48. Last Minute Spanner In The Works

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PREVIOUSLY: "ALL RIGHT, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY OTOUTO? GAARA - WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" A shrill voice echoed down the long stairwell to Naruto's basement. Gaara's warm look fell, he frowned before a blank look set itself onto his features. He took the pup and kit from Kiba and I and placed them carefully into Kurama and Shukaku's arms, taking a defensive stance between the steps and everyone in the room, he crossed his arms and awaited the arrival of the angry woman storming down the staircase.


Gaara's P.O.V.

I recognised the voice as soon as she screeched, I wish she wouldn't - she knows it hurts my ears, but I certainly wonder what the hell Temari is doing here because I left her and Kankuro in charge of Suna for two weeks - and it's only been a few days!! Surely nothing has happened that my siblings can't take care of themselves. How irresponsible of her to leave Kankuro by himself... Or did he come with her too? Ugh. Can I not trust them with anything? All I wanted is to spend a few weeks with my mate while he was preparing to give birth, but nooo.

My sister fell through the doorway and handed me a scroll; looking rough with rips in her ninja gear, sticks and leaves in her hair. She gave me a hug then 'poofed' out. Huh. A clone to personally deliver a scroll. I wonder what is serious enough to make her do this. A frown settled onto my eyebrows as I unsealed the scroll, confused at the few words on the parchment.

Dearest Brother,
Tell your fox the Wens have a damaged Snake and they've come to visit. On the other hand, we have a huge rat problem inside the pantry. Why don't you bring your mates for a visit? It's been a while since we've seen their blue eyes.
Love, Mari.

What the hell? I handed the scroll to my blue-eyed lover who was looking at me expectantly. His eyes hardened and he called to the nine-tails.

"Kura. There's Wen's in Suna, they've brought Orochimaru and Konoha ROOT nins with them. We need to pack everyone up and head over immediately. Shukaku, I expect you will be able to transport us there with no problems, so Kakashi and I can help Gaara take care of things."


Kurama's P.O.V.

Shukaku and I both read over the parchment that Gaara had received. Shukaku looked surprised that the Wen's had gone after Suna, probably not knowing that Gaara was the third mate of Naruto and Kakashi... And they (the Wen Clan) did not know that Gaara and Shukaku did not yet know what that piece of toe-jam Wen had done to Naruto - because once things came to light from the dark, as they always will, the deadly redhead would be out for blood.

I didn't want to be the one to burst the determined aura that my kit had, but I knew that Gaara needed to know what had happened to Naruto in his mindscape when the Wen Clan had managed to pin him in his own mind and was the primary cause of the loss of their third kit. It was going to crush my kit and his loves but we needed it to be discussed so that it wouldn't affect or redirect the bloodlust that I could sense beginning to simmer under his skin. Putting a hand on Naruto's shoulder, I got his attention, using the mindlink between him, Kakashi and myself, I broached the uncomfortable topic.

'Naruto. You or Kakashi need to tell your Gaara what happened with that person in your mindscape. He is your third and needs to know now, so that his attention cannot be moved from his goal. I know he will kill for you, but I don't want him to be angry with you if he is blinded by his rage.'

Both looked at me, Naruto hugging me tightly as he remembered what had happened, while Kakashi looked at me understandingly, nodding.

"Do I have to?" He sniffled, "I don't want to, I really don't want to tell him, I don't want him to be angry with me, because it was my fa-" SLAP!

The sound resounded in the room. Naruto stared at me, eyes watering, hand to his cheek.

"Don't you DARE say that that was your fault! If the initial incident hadn't happened well over a hundred of years ago with me then you wouldn't have been targeted. That was not EVER your fault! So you tell him or I will." I threatened my kit, "I can get the raven and his pups to leave the room if you don't want them to know what happened but, you mark my words, you will tell Gaara. Understand?"

I was not going to take shit or be swayed by my kits glossy blue orbs - this is not negotiable. He was their third mate and needed to know everything or it would distract him and could cause any of them to be injured. An iron grip held my wrist tightly and my blond kit was pulled away from me. I looked to the crimson haired third mate of my kit.

"What is the meaning of this? Explain." Gaara demanded, icily calm. I stared at Naruto.

"Tell him." I demanded, my gaze boring into that of my first human kit. He shook his head, blond hair falling over his eyes. I changed my target to Kakashi.

"Fine," I swivelled my head to face Kakashi, "You tell him. He deserves to know. You cannot be distracted in this fight. Not with them. They are dangerous, even to deities like me and the old raccoon here. I will not abandon my true mates after finding them, and I do not want to leave my own kits fatherless. I will take them, and you, Naruto and Gaara will discuss this. You have three hours before we depart. Naruto will NOT be going if Gaara does not know everything. Do you understand me?"

I demanded of the silver haired ninja who had saved my kit that night. He nodded solemnly. Wolf bowed to me.

"I understand, Kurama. I will not risk the lives of our kits, your grandkits, or your own kits. Please leave Itachi-san and Shukaku-san, but take the others from the room. Kiba, if you can send Akamaru back down with a pot of tea and a meal shortly, we will appreciate it."

I know the others were staring at the formality. Kakashi knows something I don't. 'What is it? Does it affect me?' Gaara thought, shaking his head to clear the thoughts from his mind. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I bowed back.

"Thank you, Wolf-kit. I will send food within an hour." With that, I motioned to the others for all of us to leave. Gaara still stood defensively in front of Naruto, so I spoke to him next, bowing to him as well.

"Gaara-kit. You will soon understand why I slapped your mate. I will not apologize for the action, only the pain it caused Naruto-kit, Wolf-kit and yourself. I hope you will forgive me in the future."

With that, I closed the first door behind myself, Sasuke and Kiba as we made our way up the stairs to the kitchen and dining area. We found Sakura and a shirtless Shisui were upstairs; the young woman was tending to a large, open gash across the back of the Uchiha's shoulder and he's drinking a healing herbal tea she had prepared. There were several other bandages already wrapping his arms and chest.

"Shisui? What happened!?" Sasuke cried out, making his cousin flinch at the unexpected sound.


SONG/ARTIST: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
ANIME/MANGA/NOVEL: Heaven Official's Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu (by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu)

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