24. Truths Revealed...

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(Previously: Naruto P.O.V) I couldn't think of how to put my questions into words without bawling my eyes out like a baby, so I just held up my wrist with the five bracelets on it. I couldn't bear to take off the three which were fading out from blacks & greys to a translucent smokey colour yet. "Kurama, what's happening? I can't find anything changed in my mindscape.. What's happening to me?" I mumbled the last part because I could feel my tears threatening to show themselves and I really didn't want to cry. Again. I felt like all I am doing lately is crying.

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Kurama P.O.V

I sighed, knowing nothing less than the truth would settle kit. "You need a full check-up Kit, I don't know the answers for certain so let's go and find out, alright?" I'm not going to tell him my suspicions because I don't want to get his hopes up. Kissing Ita goodbye, I let my mate know I'd be gone for a while, most likely it would take a few days to sort out what was happening with Naruto and to purge any leftover toxins out of his systems. I needed to recover my chakra because being out of the seal for extended periods of time was taking a toll on me, I'm exhausted.. Even though I think I'm doing a good job of hiding it from Ita, I don't like hiding things from him. At all.

** Naru's mindscape **

Once we were in the mindscape I got Naruto to focus on his meditation, so I was able to focus on cleansing the residual filth from his system. After almost two days we had finally expelled all of the toxins from both his spiritual and physical body. I had identified the souls of the kits who wouldn't be born.. My grandkits...

The three bracelets that had faded, I took from Kit's wrist and compressed them each into a seed with our combined chakra. I would get Naruto to plant and nurture the spiritual seeds in his mindscape so they could have a chance at a sort of life here - in the spirit realm at least and if they could become strong enough by the time they were two decades old they would be able to become summons like me, though two of the pups were more wolf than fox. Their spirits had been tied and bonded into the threads of the bracelets and though they were still very immature, I knew they could succeed me in becoming the holder or bearer of a fox or wolf summoning contract.

"Naru.. what do you want to name them? I can tell you their genders.. If - if you want to know?" I stuttered on the last sentence because after communicating with them, I knew how badly they had suffered, and that as small as they were, their spiritual cognition was solid enough to communicate the pain they had suffered while they died of poisoning. I did have some good news for him though.

My crimson-streaked blonde kit remained silent for a while, then he nodded his head slowly, clearing his throat, "I.. I want to know Kyuu. Can we call 'Kashi and 'Tachi too? Please? I want Kakashi." "Of course Kit. I expected you to ask for your mate, and I, uh, wasn't going to tell you this without my mate here, so I.. uhm.. I already called them both here. They're waiting for us at the blossom tree Kit. Let's go greet them." We stood up and Naru stretched himself out, a foxy grin appearing when he heard his bones crack. "I'm so glad to be my true self here, Kura. I hated having to fake everything all the time. I'll race you to the top! Last one's buying ramen at Ichiraku Ramen!!" He took off running.

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** 3rd Person's P.O.V **

A Wolf and a Crow watched from the top of the hill as the crimson-streaked blond took off at a dead sprint to the top of the hill where they were both waiting. They also noticed that the fox gave the youngest a head start..

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