59. The Other Side

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PREVIOUSLY: 'Father, Uncle Shu is here!' Ryu exclaimed as he noticed the chakra of the one-tail appear. Shukaku wrapped the pair up in a hug and teleported them both back to where Naruto, Kakashi, Aiko, Kurama, Itachi, Deidara and their kits were sitting at the table on the outside verandah. They looked at the new arrivals and Naruto almost leapt from Kakashi's arms and flew into Gaara's open arms, Kakashi and Aiko following only heartbeats behind the blond to join the hug. "Is this a group hug, and can we join?" A masculine voice called out, distracting the group momentarily. Naruto noted that Kurama moved to greet the newcomers, and disregarded their presence in favour of continuing to cuddle with his mates and children.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

The Kyuubi and his raven mate moved to greet the newcomers, their blond mate feeling something off, stayed back and guarded their kits. "Shisui, you're here," greeted Itachi, fistbumping his favourite cousin. "You're early, we weren't expecting you for another week. How were your travels?" The raven was a bit surprised when his foxy mate also hugged the elder Uchiha, speaking to him in a overly friendly manner, "Sui, glad to see you here safely. Hey, you smell like the road, why don't you hit the showers and make your mission report before dinner? We'll call the medic to check for any injuries later." Shisui nodded and Kurama ruffled the Uchiha's hair before releasing him, guiding him in the direction of the bathrooms.

 Itachi raised an eyebrow to Kurama in question, but it was Deidara who answered the unasked question, with a wrinkled nose, as he frowned after Itachi's cousin. "He smells funny, Ita-un. That guy is like my art but... not... the edges are smudged, un. Do you know what I mean?" Naruto looked over at his cousin, questioning it for a minute. Closing his eyes, he focused on the chakra of the eldest Uchiha and, after a short while, he was able to recognise the blurred edges Deidara had been speaking about, " 'Dara, how do you know it's not your art that's smudged?" "My art is never blurry unless I make it like that deliberately!" The blond responded tartly, his frown deepening, knowing that his lover and mate valued his family very much.

The Iwa-Uzumaki pulled out something from his pocket, played with it a minute, then held it up to them. "This is the difference, see?" Dei declared. On his palm were two seemingly identical origami cranes (probably explosive) and at first glance the family couldn't tell there were any significant differences. Kakashi was the first to speak, though he followed Naruto's lead in calling Deidara by the nickname he'd given him, " 'Dara, they look the same. What are you trying to show us?" His question wasn't unreasonable from someone not knowing what they were looking for. Deidara frowned and bit his lip. The long haired blond looked up at Itachi, "Ita, do you still have the magnifying glass, un?" He asked softly. Itachi searched his pockets and held it out towards the long-haired blond once he found it, Dei shook his head and pointed to Kakashi. 

"Look closer, copycat-un." Deidara kept his voice low, not wanting to bring attention to the fact he was one hundred percent certain about. The Copycat nin lifted his hitai-iti and activated his sharingan, he accepted the magnifying glass doubtfully and looked at the pair of cranes again. When observing closer, he was able to discern that the edges of the crane in Deidara's lefy hand was indeed softer; the edges slightly rounded, the origami creases were not as crisp or sharp as he'd expected them to be. The other, in his right hand, had edges sharp enough to cut ninja wire, as Deidara showed by example when he pulled some super-fine explosive leads from his pocket and dropped it over the second origami crane - the near invisible wire falling easily to either side of the clay origami crane. Mismatched eyes widened as what his mate's cousin was explaining.

"Is it a genjutsu?" In a hushed voice, he asked with concern. Kurama shook his head, "A possibility but I don't think so. His scent is off as well as his chakra edges being blurred, as Dei said. We need to investigate. I believe we need to ask Tsunade to come here to assess because we can make a seal so that none of the Uchiha can leave. Ita, love, send ravens to your brother and the Hokage to meet here for the debrief? Tell your brother to pack a bag because neither you or he will be leaving for a while. Dei, you've done well, I'm proud of you."

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