5. Explanations and Understandings

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(Naruto's P.O.V) After a moment of hesitation, I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he returned my embrace. 'This feels... right... we fit together.' I thought quietly, smiling to myself. I heard Kurama snicker quietly, *That's because it is right kit. He is yours and you are his.* I smiled again at the fox's comment. I wanted to let him rest, he needed it as much as me. Kakashi and I stayed like in our embrace for a short while before an icy-cold shudder ran through me from my head to my feet.. It wasn't a natural feeling - it was as if the heat was being sucked out of me, too quickly to be natural. *KURA!* I screamed to him through our mental link, re-opening it, and hoping he wasn't too deeply asleep yet, I tried to tighten my grip on Kakashi as I felt myself start to drop, but the last thing I remembered before collapsing was looking at Kakashi with panic and before being clouded in darkness, I whispered, "Kakashi ...."

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Kakashi's P.O.V

I saw the look of panic that flashed in the blue eyes as they closed; in a heartbeat I tightened my grip on the blond before he slid out of my arms. "Shit, this was close I nearly didn't catch him in time. What's wrong with him? I thought he'd be okay after Kurama healed him,' I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Naruto! Kurama!" I cried out, hoping the fox would hear me and that I wasn't talking to myself, "Kurama, something's wrong! Naruto's collapsed!" I called to the empty room, feeling the slight burn on my wrist again and ignoring it, again. I felt my cheeks heat up again as the fleeting thought crossed my mind that I'm holding an almost naked, very gorgeous guy, in my arms. Carefully making my way to the bedroom, I laid Naruto in my bed, hoping Kurama would come and tell me what was wrong with Naru, 'I'm not a medic-nin and only have basic knowledge- I can't heal him like this, I don't even know what's wrong,' I ranted, and unknowingly had started ranting aloud, "Damn, damn, damn! It's happening again! I can't help someone I care about when they're in trouble, why does this always happen, for FUCKS SAKE I CAN'T HELP HIM I'M USELESS!" 

"You are not useless Kakashi," Said the rough, sleepy voice I'd been hoping to hear. "Kurama! What's wrong with Naruto?" I asked him, even I could hear the panic in my voice though I was unsure why I was panicking this much. I saw him glance at Naruto and inhale sharply, "Kami! He did it didn't he? Kit released his henge and the genjutsu on you didn't he?" I nodded. "Fuck. We need to get his temperature up now. Finish drying him, strip to your underwear and get in the bed with him - we have to warm him or he'll freeze from his core," the red-head instructed calmly while placing his hands together, before holding his hands that were wrapped with a violet chakra glow above the blond in my bed and searching for what could be wrong. Once Naruto was dried off I quickly and carefully applied fresh arnica balm to the wounds and firmly re-wrapped them; I can't do much but I did take pride in the basic treatment I could provide. I managed (with Kurama's help) to get a pair of soft pants on him, though I made sure the blond had plenty of warm blankets over him before getting into the bed and Kurama moved him so he was resting his back against my chest. I noticed the frown on the red-heads face become concern, and that worried me a lot more than I am willing to admit. I wondered why the blond felt like he'd been sitting in an ice bath, instead of just having gotten out of a warm one. 'Man up, you know you want to know, just ask,' I thought, giving myself encouragement, I focused my breathing and calmed breath first before asking. "What do you mean by 'not again'? Kurama, has this happened before?" I couldn't look him in the eyes while I concentrated on making sure Naruto was as warm as possible, rubbing my hands up and down his arms to increase the circulation. I heard a sigh and there were a few moments of silence, before hearing the rustle of his unbound crimson hair against his silky kimono and a resigned sigh. "Kurama? What do you mean by 'not again'?"

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