11. Fall or Dive?

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(Kakashi's P.O.V) "I love all of you. Every inch. I can't give you one single reason, but all the reasons I have in the world don't seem to be enough. No matter what happens I know I will always want you, and want you with me." I wrapped my arms securely around him and pressed his ear to my chest. "My heart beats for you, I want to protect you from anyone who would hurt you and even from yourself, if you need me to. I want to show you what it means to be loved, to be cared for and what it means to have someone who would lay down their life for you. I am yours, for as long as you'll have me."

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3rd Person P.O.V

Naruto's tears began to fall faster, ".. I ... you ..." he whispered, having to stop to clear his throat, "Kakashi... you .. you love me ... back ..? " He stared up at Kakashi for the longest moment, then kissed him on the lips. "I will tell you as many times as you want to hear it Naru, I love you." The platinum silver-blond whispered. As if one kiss wasn't enough to show the affection and passion they shared for each other, they kissed again, and again... Gradually their kisses became deeper and more passionate. Kakashi could feel himself hardening with all the sensations running through his body. Trying to adjust himself so his growing member wouldn't be so obvious, he adjusted the younger back on his thighs to give his 'friend' a little more room, but the very perceptive and sensitive blond had already felt the hardening length under him and figured out what Kakashi was trying to do, instead of allowing himself to be moved away, he wriggled closer deliberately grinding his hips against Kakashi's, creating friction both of them craved and making the older males head tip back as he tried not to let out a moan, biting his lip to try and hold it back. The platinum haired man felt his blond move against him in the most pleasurable kind of way but didn't think it was deliberate - until he felt a smiling kiss against his own lips. 

Breathing heavily, Kakashi pulled his face away just enough to look at what was the most beautiful sight he thought he'd ever seen; Naruto's face was flushed a healthy pink, his lips swollen from kissing and a seductively cheeky grin on his face. "Naru... You sure?" the shinobi asked, wanting Naru's consent. "Uh-huh, 'Kashi, you won't hurt me." The boys words made his heart soar, knowing how much he trusted him to take care of him. "Tell me if..." Kakashi had only a moment to worry before the blond on his lap grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in again, after a quick kiss he softly moaned, "I know." As they resumed their make-out session Naruto let his hands run all over his lovers chest, taking care to trace each and every scar that on the ninjas chest, old faded scars on his ribs and across his shoulders, and the newer, still raised ones on his stomach and side that had healed but hadn't lost their angry colour completely. Each time Naruto ran his fingers lightly over his scars Kakashi shivered a little. There was nobody the shinobi had let into his life who cared enough to touch him, except to sometimes treat wounds he himself couldn't tend properly.  Breathing in deeply to try and steady his sanity for a minute, Kakashi lifted them both up from where Naruto had knocked them onto the floor, and back onto the bed. Laying on his back with Naruto positioned on top of him, Kakashi found himself arching his back with each touch from his soon almost lover; his skin feeling as if the blond had electricity humming in his fingertips - pressing himself into his lovers touch and his own hands were on Naruto's thighs, long fingers gripping through the fabric of the sweatpants Naruto was wearing, letting out short moans and whimpers of his own as the blond worked out how to play his body.

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Naruto's P.O.V

I found with each new touch, Kakashi would arch his back or grip my thighs tighter and tremble. The silver-haired man under me had his stunning dark grey eyes closed, he was letting out cute moans and he was panting; as if he is a man starved of oxygen, his long dexterous fingers had a firm grip on me and his palms were getting warmer. I could see his erection straining against his pants- the ones that fitted in all the right places and made his ass look so .. hn.. delicious - and I found my hands moving down his chest slowly, teasingly, of their own accord before I'd even finished thinking I was going to get him out of his pants. I was suddenly curious to find out if he was wearing underwear or not under those fitting black pants. His beautiful dark grey eyes, now almost black with lust snapped open once he felt me undoing the button on his pants. He stilled under my hands and looked like he was going to say something. 'If he asks me again .. I know what I want.' One hand leaving his button alone I leaned down over him, cupped the back of his neck and pulled him to me, I kissed him with everything I felt in that moment- my love and trust, my lust and the heat in the core of me that made me feel like I could burst at any moment. My other hand, however, was undoing the zip on his pants and reaching under his waistband, 'Kashi doesn't wear anything underneath.. oh .. that's..'  I lost all coherent thought after making that discovery; as my own erection twitched at the thought that Kakashi was only wearing his ANBU pants and nothing else, I felt his hands reach up from my thighs to the waistband of my own pants. Teasing the waistband of the pants for a while, he moved a little lower, took hold of the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it off, only breaking our kiss to take the shirt off completely and throw it somewhere to the side of the bed. I whined when he didn't make a move to remove the pants, though I wasn't sure how this worked when two people actually cared. 'I thought it was all the same; that the pants got ripped off, something went up my ass and pounded me until they released, then left..' 

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