17. War of Hearts

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(Iruka's P.O.V) And then I remembered.
It was the same as the thread that linked Naruto and Kakashi, Kurama had told us about the thread that joined them before - Kurama could actually die 'or something' if the thread is severed; like, for example, if he is rejected by his soulmate. "FUCK!" I yelled. "FUCK! NO, NO ,NO - I CAN'T - FUCK!" I ran upstairs as fast as I could to Kakashi's room to see if either he or Naruto was awake yet - I needed to get them to get Kurama to come out, because as much as I was his soulmate, it also meant that he was mine. "KAKASHI! KAKASHI - I NEED YOU TO GET UP!" I cried out as I ran up the stairs, I had to talk to Naruto or Kakashi, and unfortunately I bumped into the latter coming out of his room in the foulest mood I have ever seen him in. I heard whimpers and pained sobbing from inside the room. "What. The. Fuck. Did you and Iruka do to Kurama?"

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Kakashi's P.O.V

"Well, after he healed Naruto after the glass incident, me and Iruka and Kurama got to know each other, then we comforted him.. uh.. in the bedroom.." Itachi at least had the decency to blush, trying to protect some semblance of dignity, "then we fell asleep together and then when we woke up we all had these around our wrists," Itachi held up his wrist with the shimmering thread for Kakashi to see, "and then Kyuu got back on the bed, cuz he'd been to the toilet and cleaned us up and stuff, and he kissed me.. us.. on our cheeks and thanked us. He told us about the soulmate threads and asked if we wanted to accept or if we wanted to talk about it, but 'Ruka rejected him straight out, but I wasn't even thinking straight, I mean, what the fuck I have two soulmates it's kinda a lot to take in when you're still buzzing off a high and you're dazed 'cuz you just woke up and have this pretty sparkly bracelet around your wrist and a prettier guy asking if you want to be his soulmate, like, forever, but when he asked if I felt the same as 'Ru did, I guess I agreed or something because he just vanished and then the last couple of hours I did some cleaning because Iruka said that it wouldn't kill Kyuu or anything but I finally remembered - it fucking will and I don't want Kurama to die because he's my soulmate and I DO want him - I want him! So much more than you know and- and I need him Kakashi- I need him." Itachi didn't even breathe I think as he rushed through his speech. It showed he'd very clearly and seriously thought about what was going on... 

"You want to seriously make this right?" I asked suspiciously, narrowing my eyes at him. He nodded at me with tears welling in his eyes, "I was shocked when he said that the crimson thread means we're soulmates, I didn't think I was ever destined to have anyone because of.. you know.. my Clan... what I did.. and when he said I was his, I .. I don't know, surprised, happy, unsure- not unsure of Kyuu! Unsure of me! I don't deserve any of this and I wasn't even listening properly and I hurt him without even knowing I hurt him and I have to make this right- I have to!" He corrected himself, "Please, please, PLEASE! I can feel him slipping away from me - there's this horrible cold feeling in my heart and - help me Kakashi.. I.. " He choked as the sobs burst out of his chest and fell to his knees, hands on his face, "I don't want to lose someone I just found, I can't lose anyone else important to me, I can't go through this again.. Please help me Kakashi, I want to save him. Help me." Itachi's pleading sobs brought Naruto out from the room. My blond mate was going to say something but I stopped him. I knelt down in front of Itachi and asked him again, "Are you deadly fucking serious? You want to make this right? Do you really want Kurama, forever?" He looked up at me earnestly, with hope in his eyes that I hadn't seen since he was about 12 himself, "Will you please help me Kakashi? Naruto, I might.. I.. I think.. I love him." 

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