22. Missing, Lost... Found?

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*** Trigger Warnings : graphic scenes, violence, flashbacks of abuse and other things ***

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PREVIOUSLY (3rd Person P.O.V) :
"It has to be fucking somewhere. He can't have just vanished into thin air you assholes! Find me that fucking dog!!" A voice shouted, "Find it and kill it. The other ninja we keep for bait.. A backup plan if blondie won't do as he's told." Another voice snickered at hearing they would be keeping the ninja they'd been lucky enough to catch last night.. It had been a great chase, but the kid hadn't gotten away. The traitorous ninja's aura felt like it was oozing, like slime, with insincerity and leaving a very uncomfortable feeling in the base of his spine. He had to get out of here - now - and get to Kakashi's house, to the protectors. Hearing the voices eventually taper off and move away, he took his chance to move a little, and observing quietly he listened to them leave. Once he knew they'd left for good, with the last of his energy reserves, Akamaru took off to the crimson foxes place at a dead sprint.

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Kakashi's Apartment
3rd Person P.O.V

As Akamaru was retracing his path to the crimson fox with the last of his energy, the latter was currently trying to negotiate with a traumatised blond kit called Naruto in his mindscape. Kakashi was simply lying in his bed, cuddling Naruto's prone form close to him, embracing his lover as though it will be the last time they would be together and running his long fingers through the blond and crimson hair, freeing any tangles they would come across.

Most of the rookies had left to assume a semblance of normalcy when they were really only waiting for news that their sunshine friend had woken up; after which they would gather at Kakashi's house straight away and move them all immediately into the Namikaze-Uzumaki Compound. Currently Shikamaru and Neji were in the jounin's living room playing shogi when they heard panicked scratching and yipping at the side door, Neji frowned and looked at the lazy ninja opposite him. "That's Akamaru," the lavender eyed boy commented, standing up to let the dog in after he'd listened for a few moments. "Yeah," agreed Shikamaru, "but where's Kiba? He ought to've come with his nin-ken." The lazy brunette stated. The boy with the ponytail watched the doorway his crush had walked through and listened to the side door open - Akamaru came bolting inside and ran straight up the stairs.

Neji followed swiftly grabbing Shikamaru by the hand, and both followed the white and black dog upstairs to see what was wrong.They both knew something was wrong because Akamaru never went anywhere without Kiba. NEVER. Kurama was talking to the panicked dog and trying to calm him down when the two rookies barged into Kakashi's room, the door making a 'thump' as it whacked into the dresser behind it, the items on the top moving with the impact. Without even looking at the two, the crimson haired male held up one hand to stop them talking while he finished taking Akamaru's report. They had to wait less than a minute for the news.

The eyes flashed a golden-orange as a flame of anger ignited behind them, catching the two youngest males in their gaze, the eyes flashed hatred, "Get your team-mates here, now," the fox turned to Kakashi, "Drag my kit out of his sorrow for one minute. His friend needs his help desperately. Tell him he can get revenge for his family. And where's Itachi? Nevermind. I'll get Ita," the fox said, the venom in his voice strong enough to freeze them on the spot momentarily. "MOVE!"

In less than 10 minutes the scattered ninja were gathered at Training Ground 7 as it was the closest place for all of them to meet without wasting time, including a particularly deflated blond ninja whose long time henge had worn off, a pink haired banshee, the emo Uchiha with an attitude problem, and his older brother - though the elder joined them as a 'new' ANBU, Kitsune. Once the full rookie 12 had gathered, Kurama motioned for Naruto to place an advanced privacy seal around them. As soon as the seal was in place Kurama relayed everything Akamaru had told him about Kiba's kidnapping and that the plans they had overheard. Once the crimson haired male had finished speaking there was exclamations of shock and calls of, "So what are we going to do about it?" from the group.

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