35. Collateral Damage

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[3rd Person's P.O.V.] The older Uchiha shook off Akamaru and collapsed on the ground, shaking and crying silently. Sasuke stared in shock, falling to his knees next to his brother pulling Kiba with him and he wrapped his arms around the older male in an effort to comfort him. They all looked on as Kakashi knelt over his bleeding lover, pleading for him to stay conscious. Itachi whispered, "Deidara... What have you done?"


Kyuubi no Kitsune's P.O.V.

'I'm gonna kill that piece of shit! If Kit or his kits don't survive this I'll kill him, bring him back and then kill him again. That ignorant fucking motherfucker! Why, I oughtta -'

As soon as the bomb went off at Kits feet I retreated back into the biju seal knowing he didn't have time to react and though it was only the size of a coffee mug it was enough to take him unaware he'd be injured and my Grandkits would be in danger - again! My rants were cut off by Itachi talking to me using our mind-link, reporting on my Kits situation. 'Kyuu? Wolf is stressing because Naruto's bleeding from his mouth, nose and ears. His legs are pretty torn up to mid-thigh in places. Left elbow is swelling, his left arm is sliced from elbow to wrist and he took a pretty hard hit to the back of his head when he fell, probable concussion and is unconscious. He was grabbing his stomach just after he fell so check his head first then the kits. Keeping him alive is the best way to keep their kits alive.' Itachi's report didn't make me feel any better.

I was already in fox-form when I return to the mindscape and so I bolted to the top of the hill with the sakura tree at the top and curled into a tight ball, focusing as much of my energy and chakra as I could into healing Kits head wound because his brain had been truly rattled by the fall and his head had massive bruising on the side while sustaining a moderate sized cut, which I healed first so he wouldn't bleed out. I mended the fracture in the lateral epicondyle and ulna bones in his elbow and forearm, I stopped the burns on his lower body from doing more damage and then checked his kits. 'FUCK!' I couldn't help but curse, it was likely that one or more of the kits wasn't going to make it.

'Ita? I need you now,' I demanded of my mate, I was going to need support for this. 'Wolf. Lay down next to Kit and keep as much contact as you can, hold him really tight because if he wakes up during this, it's gonna hurt like a bitch.' I tried to explain that I was the only person who could do this but that Naruto would need as much support as me for the next few hours.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

Naruto hadn't believed the clay mugs were anything but loose rocks or something the taller blond behind his brother-in-law had thrown at him, not realizing it was Iwa Deidara of the Akatsuki (though he really should have- the cloak was a dead give-away) and it hadn't occurred until the last second before they exploded that what was tossed his way were bombs. 

The fiery pain from the blast engulfed his legs, hip and waist. Although he'd started turning away from the blast as soon as he realized what they were, he still felt the burns up his legs and arm as the bombs exploded directly at his feet; shards of clay piercing his upper thigh and the sting as shrapnel sliced into his body through the skin like a hot knife through butter. Naruto felt with clarity as splinters lodged into his hips, waist and stomach. He couldn't hold in the scream of pain as he clutched his stomach before passing out from the pain.


Kakashi watched as Deidara threw the bombs towards their feet but the flash of heat rushing to his heart wasn't from the explosions, rather from fear and adrenaline pumped through his system seeing his lover drop to the ground clutching his belly. The silver haired male's first reaction was as a trained ANBU looking after another member of his squad and fell to the ground with his crimson-streaked blond, checking for obvious signs of life before zoning out temporarily, once he regained his senses he laid down next to his blond and carefully wrapped his arms around the damaged body of his lover. Closing his mismatched eyes he regulated his breathing, meditating to gather chakra for whatever Kurama had to do to his Lover.

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