44. Collateral Damage (Part 2)

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PREVIOUSLY [rear]: A sigh from Kurama had the argument stopped before it was started. "You're both right. For now let's help my Kit and Grandkits, and retreat. We are by no means giving up. You can make it as beautiful as you want, use as many explosives as you please. Itachi's right, Deidara, your bombs are art," The fox began before unexpectedly poofing out with a yip. Itachi and Deidara looked at each other confusedly, then Itachi swore. "Shit! Naruto! Dei, your cousin's in trouble. Can you get us to him faster?" The sarcastic blond rolled his eyes, "Of course, Ita, un, look behind you," then the blond flashed a blinding smile, his eye lighting up and sparkling, "He said my explosions are art! I like him too, Itachi, un!"

PREVIOUSLY [downwind]: A little while into their battles, Sakura thought she heard the unusually loud sound of birds chirping, noting to herself that this was an odd sound and out of place but she dismissed it, temporarily. Only to freeze when she heard an animal scream as a huge explosion literally rocked the area where Naruto, Sasuke and Gaara were supposed to be.

PREVIOUSLY [front]: Gaara felt a change in the atmosphere at the last moment before Sasuke and Naruto released the massive Rasengan-Chidori and the cheetah screamed for them in warning. They could only try to control the fallout of the massive Rasengan-Chidori.


Nearby [Hatake Kakashi]
3rd Person's P.O.V.

Hatake Kakashi's demon-wolf form was bleeding heavily and was barely able to move when he felt his mates' chakra appear. Knowing Naruto's will of fire, he'd figured there was nothing he would be able to do if his lover discovered what was going on - or if he was denied the knowledge. Partly why he'd told Gaara to not tell Naruto, knowing it would get things done faster, though he regretted bringing his mate onto the battlefield in his condition.

The jounin, while being unable to fight, still managed to dodge the worst of the attacks. Trying to make his way towards the pull of his heart, he stumbled and failed to dodge the kunai the nicked his spine from behind, causing him to drop like a sack of rocks. Kakashi vaguely heard the unusual echo behind the jutsu he'd taught to Sasuke, it was winding up 'wrong' but as he heard the jutsu being released he also heard an animalistic, bone chilling scream, followed immediately by explosions.

A small smile landed on his lips as the silver haired jounin exhaled for what he felt was maybe the last time. "Gomen. Mates, kits." A light breeze blew over him as he closed his mismatched eyes.


'Naruto? Sasuke? Where are you?!' Gaara called through their mind-link, worried that he couldn't find them because of all the bodies that littered the ground. The teal-eyed cheetah sniffed again, trying to scent them. He heard a "YIP!" and spun on his hind legs to face the intruder, though when he saw it was a giant nine-tailed fox he ran to it, nuzzling and asking for comfort.

'I can't find them Kurama! I can't find Naru and Suke!!' 'Calm down Kit, we'll find them-' Kurama was cut off when he heard coughing and the pair of oversized animals rushed tothe sound, preparing to either kill or rescue the person. "Where is he!?" called Sakura as she and Akamaru entered the clearing, followed closely by Kiba, Neji and Shikamaru. They'd thought they were in the clearing that led to Kakashi but were a little confused when they saw a nine-tailed fox and a giant cheetah. The nine-tailed fox they half-recognized as the Kyuubi no Kitsune but the cheetah they didn't know - none of them had seen Gaara in his animal form and drew their weapons, taking defensive stances.


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