29. Help Me! (Save Me, Part 2)

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Graphic violence, Sexual scenes and Abuse

Previously (3rd Person P.O.V.) "How did you three get here?" He asked seriously, shifting to stand beside Itachi but keeping an arm wrapped around his waist, as if the contact was keeping him grounded. The two boys looked at Sakura, hoping she would talk for them again because neither of them had an idea of even where they were. "Well, uh, I'm not sure." "You're in Naruto's mindscape. This is where he first freed me. This is where that small, helpless blond became my friend and I took him as my Kit. This is where I taught him everything he knows and where he taught me what it is to care for someone again. This is where he stopped me so many times from wiping out your stinking, filthy village because this village has done nothing but cause him pain." By the time the tall male had finished his speech the three had stunned expressions on their face. Looking at each other Sasuke spoke up, "Well, shit."

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Namikaze-Uzumaki-Hatake Compound
3rd Person P.O.V.

** in the mindscape for a moment **

After Sakura correctly listed the reasons how the trio got there and Kiba asked how they will get home, Itachi smirked at them giving Sasuke a foreboding feeling. Giving his boyfriend a sound kiss on the lips and whispering something in his ear, leaving the Kyuubi with a simmering, lustful look in his eyes. The elder Uchiha told the genin to join hands, Kiba looked doubtfully at him, "Really?" "Well do you wanna get out of here or not?" Itachi asked. "Of course! I'm starving!!" exclaimed the brunette loudly, grabbing his friends' hands tightly. Sasuke rolled his eyes and took hold of his older brothers' extended hand. 

They felt a tug from their cores and felt the heaviness of their bodies again, kind of like the feeling in the pit of your stomach when you're going down on a roller-coaster, making each them feel a little dizzy and sick in the stomach.

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** in the guest room of the Namikaze-Uzumaki-Hatake Compound **
Sasuke's P.O.V.

Keeping my eyes closed I stayed laying down waiting for my head to stop pounding and the sick feeling in my guts to fade, I thought about the look I'd seen on Itachi's face when he looked at Naruto when he was carrying him to the pool in the cave. I recognised that look in his eyes. It was one of loss and of sorrow - I would know because I've seen it in on my own face reflected in the mirror often enough. I missed Itachi all these years and I can't believe he's actually alive. I sort of understand why he couldn't contact me but it upsets me that he kept in touch with Naruto instead of contacting me, I get it but I guess I'm ... envious ... of their bond.

I slowly became aware of feeling a warm hand running through my hair; becoming hyper-aware of the warm body cuddled up behind me and the arm wrapped over my waist with his hand on my stomach, I felt a weird heat fill my cheeks because I'm enjoying the feeling of the fingers gently running over my scalp. I hummed in appreciation of the relaxing movement that was soothing my sore head and the hand paused, as if caught doing something wrong, "Pleease don' stop. It feels nice. My head's pounding." I whined, the hand resuming its path through my hair and the owner snickering at me. "Don' be mean, pickin' on me. I'll tell 'Tachi on you." I felt him giggle behind me as I relaxed, the feeling of warmth and contentment sending me to a restful sleep.

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Inuzuka Kiba's P.O.V.

'I can't believe Sasuke didn't complain like he normally does when someone tries to touch him when I got in the bed behind him. His hair is so dark and ... I wonder if it's as soft as it looks?' I couldn't help myself and touched it lightly. It was. It was as soft as it looked. I took our linked hands off his brother's hip and laid them on his stomach - not that I'm gay or anything! No, no , no! But... Well... I kinda have this... this... thing... a feeling that I want to be around the stupid, stubborn Uchiha laying in front of me, like, all the time.

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