54. The Fight (finally updated)

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13 JAN 2024 update:

Hey again, now that I've fixed the chapters and I'm up to date here, I'll be continuing all my stories one at a time until they're finished. This is the first story I'll be finishing because I need to not have three going at the same time because it overwhelms me to the position (extreme stress) where I am unable to continue any of them.

I know it's taken me months and months to get to this but I've had life get in the way. Thank you for your patience and I want you to know that I haven't by any means forgotten about any of my stories and they will all be finished.

You Were My Light, Foolish Games, and Give Me One Good Reason (previously 13 Reasons) will all be completed, but Foolish Games and Give Me One Good Reason will be going on indefinite hiatus.

Be safe. Ask for help if you need it.
Look after your teeth - dental extractions can be a pain in the face, and the resulting need for a dental plate are freaking expensive (like AUD $7000.00 kind of expensive) !!!!!!
Ouch to the bank balance I don't have.

Love you guys, see you again soon when I come back with this chapter to be typed up this week. It's ridiculous long, I may split it into two once it's typed.

Borahae, my ARMY friends <3

Post Script,
Happy Suga Day, 2024!


PREVIOUSLY: Kurama made this promise with his eyes shimmering like the embers in the deepest part of the fire, alight and burning with the heat of future fires of passion. Kurama kissed Itachi deeply, then Deidara kissed their Uchiha goodbye, "Look after your- our- babies, un. See you soon!" With the kisses as a farewell, the two biju and Deidara vanished, leaving Itachi, Aiko and Ryu, and Sakura alone in the den. Itachi looked at where his mates had just vanished and burst into tears. Sakura came and guided the Crow to a large sofa where he could sit or lay down. Itachi sat, Aiko and Ryu raced over and jumped up, clambering over his lap, and nudging his pregnant belly, reassuring their unborn cousins to tell them that all was well.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

Suna was a desert, yes, but it did not usually feel like the air was so stifling. There was an eerie silence to the atmosphere - as if not even the wind wanted to blow, lest the rustling of the few tree leaves could trigger an explosive event. Finally, the last missive came to Gaara that every last one of his villagers were safe; locked down or evacuated. Through the mindlink established with all the ninja, both Konoha and Suna together, the Kazekage sent out a three-word message that set their plans into motion.

'Kill them all.'

It seemed there was a pregnant pause before the village came to life, as if it were a wasps nest that'd been used as target practise for throwing stars. Konoha shinobi from were moving in swiftly and silently from the sides and encircling them from the rear, ensuring their chakra was wrapped so tightly around them they were invisible to someone trying to sense them. Suna shinobi coming toward the enemy from the front were being just as cautious about their movements, however, they did not hide their chakra as well since these nins were trying to be seen or sensed, to keep the attention off the other shinobi circling the Wen Clan since the Konoha shinobi were an unknown force that weren't expected to be anywhere near the Village in the Sand, and few expected that the two Villages would be working in synchronicity because the link between the Kazekage (the Jinchuuriki of Suna) and the jinchuuriki of Konoha was a new SSS-Class Secret which only a select few people knew about.

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