40. Back To Business

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PREVIOUSLY: 3rd Person's P.O.V. While he'd left his boys in the bath Kakashi changed the sheets on Gaara's - their - bed and boiled the kettle, making them each a hot drink. Naruto's laugh had carried through the cabin as Kakashi carried Gaara back to the bed where he'd insisted they were going to relax while they discussed what they'd originally come to Gaara to talk about when Naruto and Kakashi had first run into the redhead.


Back to Business
3rd Person's P.O.V.

As they each sipped their hot drinks there was a comfortable atmosphere in the room, relief combined with a warmth Gaara couldn't really explain. The blond male eyed his silver haired husband to be, deciding whether or not he ought to break the discussion back open about the Wens. Sighing, he put his cup on the table and began to speak.

"Gaara, 'Kashi and I were just out running for the sake of letting our legs stretch before it's time to get back to business, the war that is clouding over us. Then we ran into you and I've discovered you're someone important, who completes us, this's been one of the best moments of peace I've had; you and I, we both know how few of those there's been for the both of us, so before we get to the heavy stuff I want to say thank you." Naruto placed a kiss on the crimson haired males palm.

Kakashi softly spoke, adding to Naruto's thanks, "I also want to thank you. For looking after my.. *gentle sigh* No.. our Naruto when nobody else did or would. Thank you for keeping him alive for me. For us." He kissed Gaara's other palm. The Suna Kage was flushed bright red like he wasn't used to compliments (which he isn't) or being genuinely appreciated. Apart from the blond, it wasn't often people showed him genuine emotions since most people he met were still reserved around him because of his reputation.

"Naruto. Kakashi. It is me who ought to be thanking you not the other way around. You have shown me more care than I have known from anyone other than Naruto. I never believed this jinchuuriki  *gestures to himself*  could be shown basic human affection or intimacy as you have shown me, so thank you. Both of you." Gaara blinked a few times to clear his vision, not realizing he was crying, he rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands before he felt the warm wetness on his hands and pulling his hands in front of his eyes and staring at them in surprise.

Kakashi looked curiously at his crimson haired lover. "Why would you think you are not capable of being loved?" He asked with uncertainty, he had a fair idea of what the answer would be but the jounin wanted clarification. Naruto answered instead of Gaara, in awe that the crimson haired male was crying - as far as he knew Gaara hadn't cried since he was only a few years old.

"We are Jinchuuriki. We are the ones cursed to carry the Biju until we are either killed by those who fear what they do not understand, thereby releasing the tailed beast to rampage and destroy our loved ones, or our tenants kill us by destroying us. You saw how Gaara was at the chunin exams? That is before I fixed his Jinchuuriki seal, it was so badly done that neither he or the One-tail could exist, let alone function, as a normal person would- or like I could. I knew something had to be wrong with his seal and it was so badly done it was as if the person who sealed the One-tail in Gaara wanted for them to self destruct. What they didn't bet on was that Shukaku wasn't going to let anyone other than himself destroy his host.

"This is the reason all Jinchuuriki believe we can never be loved. Why we are not worthy of love, or of care. Because we kill those close to us out of fear they are not really who they say they are, we constantly fear we are being pitied, that the other has an ulterior motive, we worry we could end up killing people close to us by accident if we lose control of our tailed-beast or if they take us over..." The blond trailed off as he let the implications settle with Kakashi.

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