23. Ending, or Beginning?

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*** The usual TRIGGER WARNINGS ... This gonna get you in the feels (am very not sorry) ***

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(PREVIOUSLY: 3rd Person P.O.V) Tears filled his eyes as he looked at the woven bracelets on his wrist - he saw the bracelets that now had muted colours, and the ones that had faded to nothing but dark monochrome shades... As the reality of the situation occurred to the blond, tears fell like silent diamonds streaking down his whiskered cheeks from his crystalline blue eyes. Kakashi simply held Naruto as he let out a mourning howl, calling out for the little kits he'd never meet - that Kakashi would never meet, for the grand-kits that Kura wouldn't get to teach how to fight, or to hunt, or to survive the way he'd taught Naruto to survive. The older held his lover as tightly as he could, rocking the younger while he fell to pieces after being given a solid blow to the guts right after getting the good news that he was carrying the kits.

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SONG/ARTIST: Blood, Sweat and Tears by BTS
Extended version - full Official BigHit MV

** Below is the Acoustic English Cover of Blood, Sweat and Tears by BTS 
Covered by Elise Silv3rT3ar **

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* Upstairs in the main house at Naru & 'Kashi's compound *
3rd Person P.O.V

A soul shattering cry from below pierced the jovial atmosphere in the upstairs of the large house - leaving echoes of heartbreak and extreme discomfort in the hearts of each being that heard it, and the lonesome sound echoed over all of Konoha that night. The teenagers looked at each other wide-eyed, startled into silence at the noise. 

Kurama was especially upset because he was tied to Naruto; his emotions were as exposed as Naruto's were, tears streaking down his face quietly. Itachi wrapped his arms around his crimson haired lover tightly, whispering sweet nothings for only Kurama hear. 

Sasuke recognised the sound as being filled with loss, anger and hopelessness. The scream reminded him of one particular cold and dark night- he'd arrived home from being in class and then at a friends house after school; only to find his older brother had slaughtered their entire clan. He had screamed like that too.

Sakura clutched onto the raven's arm tightly, she was terrified because she'd never heard anything so animalistic in her life. The pinkette felt goosebumps cover her whole body and a shiver run down her spine as if she had just jumped into a frozen lake with the ice water drowning her.

Shikamaru and Neji clasped their hands together tightly, neither willing to acknowledge it was anything more significant than giving comfort to another person. While Shikamaru knew he loved the Hyuuga and would do anything for him, Neji wasn't yet sure of his feelings. The Hyuuga felt weird around the lazy-nin but didn't know if it was a good thing or not.

Hinata, having always been able to grasp situations quickly and was more sensitive to others' emotions, explained to the group that it was Naruto and not something to be afraid of.
Hinata knew that Naruto wasn't straight and that though he loved her, she also knew his love was platonic. Hinata explained to the other rookies that Naruto was must be in a lot of pain to have let out a cry like that, and they could talk to him about it later.

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