26. Who Are You, and What Do You Want?

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*** WARNINGS: Abuse, Trauma, Graphic Violence and Sexual Scenes ***

(Previously: 3rd Person P.O.V) "It had to be you who killed them. Though given how much you love your brother, I would say you weren't entirely willing - you wouldn't do anything that doesn't protect your brother." It was the 3 older members of the group this time who were surprised by Neji's insight. "HOT CHOCOLATE EVERYONE!! Except for Kakashi and Itachi, you guys got coffee." Interrupted Naruto, carrying a tray with cups of the rich chocolatey goodness, and Sasuke following behind with a second tray that had hot chocolates and coffees. Sasuke looked more relaxed than when he'd left the room, though around his onyx eyes were red and slightly swollen from crying - but he looked as if he'd had a weight lifted.

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In the living room
3rd Person P.O.V


Came a chorus from several of the genin. Itachi nodded once to the lavender eyed Hyuuga in acknowledgement of the fact that he had slaughtered his entire Clan, a sad look passing over his face before looking at his younger brother, almost asking if he wanted to hear the truth of the matter. Sasuke shrugged indifferently, before looking up as Naruto ruffled his hair. "I know you want to know, teme, hear him out okay?" He was asked in a quiet voice. The raven haired teen stared at the ground for a while before looking into his brothers eyes and nodding once. Kurama could almost feel the tension lift from his soulmate's shoulders and he quietly interlaced their fingers, the crow kissing his lovers cheek in response and pressed their foreheads together for a moment.

"You all knew about the Uchiha Massacre when you were at the Academy together. Sasuke had come home from the academy to find everyone dead and I was accused of murdering everyone and becoming a rogue nin, though no-one was provided evidence of the matter. I told Sasuke I did it to prove my strength, that he had to grow up strong so he can get stronger and kill me. I believed my brother would be able to find comfort in his friends, Naruto at least, who knew what I'd done and why. I asked him to befriend you so you would have someone - at least one person - to care for you and others you would be able to rely on once I'd completed my mission of killing my Clan. I was spying on my family as a double agent and I'd heard Father, Damzo, and the Uchiha Elders planning to overthrow the Sandaime Hokage. I knew this was wrong, that the Uchiha Clans hatred would only more hate and hurt to this Village than it needed, and that Konoha would not tolerate any rebellious intentions against the Hokage." Kurama brought Itachi to sit on his knees, now wrapping both arms around his lovers waist and whispered into his ear, "It's okay Love, breathe. You know he will understand why you did what you had to, just breathe baby." 

The elder Uchiha brother nodded before taking a steadying breath and continued, "After I told the Sandaime Hokage about Father's plans, he and Danzo agreed that I would have to wipe out my entire clan. Sasuke," he looked at his brother with the burning tears again beginning to form in his eyes. "He told me to kill every member of the Clan. The Hokage ordered me to kill you, 'everyone down to the last man, woman and child' he said. I just.. I couldn't do it Sasuke, the person I loved above all others, the person I cared about most after Shisui was my innocent otouto... I- I couldn't do it. I just - I couldn't. So, I ... *sigh* I made a deal...," Sasuke moved towards his elder brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. Itachi smiled weakly at the gesture. 

"I made a deal that I would wipe out the entire Uchiha Clan, except you Sasuke, and I would willingly allow them to banish me; I would become a rogue ninja after my mission was complete I would leave and infiltrate a rebel group called the Akatsuki once I had completed my final mission as an elite Konoha ANBU. After that I would become a double agent for Danzo and Konoha, but I would not be able to return to the village ever again. Ever.

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