41. Fight, Flight, or Freeze?

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PREVIOUSLY: (Kakashi's P.O.V.) '...I want you to know you have given me a reason to come home after a mission. I have a reason to want to come home. You are my family, Subaku no Gaara, you and Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto. I love you and what you represent for me. We will talk more about it later but, for now, I want you to be secure in knowing I am sure I will adore all of your flaws and all your imperfections, as well as that you are a beautiful young man. I'll let you know when I get home safe.' The silver haired jounin sent a feeling of warmth and adoration and lust to Gaara, which the blond in his arms also received.


== Time skip no jutsu! ==

One week later
Subaku no Gaara's P.O.V.

I'd cleared things up to be at Naruto's side for at least a week and a half, that I could help him when Kakashi couldn't since his idiot Hokage sent him on a 2 week mission. Kakashi explained that for him it would be two weeks but for most other ninja it would be longer than that. I didn't care because I still didn't understand why their damned Hokage would be so stupid as to send a Jinchuuriki's mate away during their birthing unless they want to wait until the host was in a weakened state so they could.... 

Those fuckers, 'They' knew. 

Those bastards knew a Jinchuuriki was at their weakest during birthing so if anything happened - anything at all - to my mate or his kits while he was birthing, I would kill them. I would raze Konohagakure to the ground and move the entire Namikaze-Uzumaki Estate to Suna with my sand. I don't care. It's a good thing that nobody knew I'd be coming when I was.

I needed to know who gave the orders for Kakashi to be sent on a mission. Surely there was no way that not a single ninja would be unavailable to undertake the mission in Kakashi's stead. When I discovered whoever it was that influenced the orders, I would kill them. I was betting it would be the sleazy councilman, Danzo.

Prior to bidding my farewells to my siblings I went over things one more time with them to ensure they could handle any emergencies while I was in Konoha, and I let them know I would be sending one of Naruto's trusted Konoha-nin to help with the extra Kage work I knew would pile up if I didn't have someone capable of doing my job with them. I suspected I would probably be sending an Uchiha or a Nara to the job, but didn't say anything because I wanted to talk to Naruto first (and then his comrade) before I sent him or her to Suna in my place temporarily. Knowing I was able to safely leave my lands in the hands of my brother and sister, Temari and Kankuro, made it easier to leave. Even though I still worried that someone would try and take over in my absence, well, they could try. Temari and her fan, Kankuro and his puppet were fierce opponents and I had taught them never to surrender. 

Still... I had an uncomfortable feeling in my body so I contacted both my mates through our telepathic link.

I closed my eyes and thought of them, I knew Kakashi had left Naruto four days ago and though I was leaving in just under 72 hours from now to be with Naruto during his pre-birthing and birthing period, I felt the uneasiness screech over me, like nails on a chalkboard or being dunked in the icy cold water of Naruto's training lake. It didn't happen very often that I had this feeling, where I was worried about someone other than myself first, or Naruto, on his visits to me in Suna.

** KEY: ** 

Ga - Gaara
Na - Naruto
Ka - Kakashi
It - Itachi
Ku - Kurama
Sh - Shukaku
** * **

Ga- 'Naruto? Kakashi? We need to talk. It's important.' 
Na- 'What's up, Ra?' 
Ka- 'I'm here.' 
Ga- 'Naruto, have you told Kakashi that a jinchuuriki is weakest during their birthing process?' 
Ka- 'No. Why?' 
Na- 'Why are you bringing this up Gaara? There's no- ' 

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