18. Hey, Baby

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PREVIOUSLY: (3rd Person P.O.V) Staring at the crimson-haired fox with uncertainty and doubt heavily lacing the few words he'd stuttered, and his eyes becoming glassy with tears, his soulmate and Kurama knew exactly what was going through the blonde's mind. Playing with the six bracelets in front of him that are wrapped around his wrist, he couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence in case he jinxed himself. He held up his wrist with the bracelets on it and asked them to confirm his deepest wish. "Five?" Naruto hesitantly looked at the three older males in turn, asking for reassurance, for assurance. Kakashi knew the time for joking was over and it was time to be serious. "Five, love," the shinobi confirmed. "Five, kit," repeated the fox. "Five what?" Asked the crow. And Naruto collapsed on his knees in the middle of the room, hands covering his face, and burst into tears.

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3rd Person P.O.V

Kakashi was the first to move, scooping up Naruto in his arms and kissing both his whiskered cheeks, then he picked him up and spun him around in circles in the air. Once Naruto had his feet on the floor again he gathered all three older men into a huge group hug, "We're gonna have kits!" he cried out. Itachi looked stunned at the news, "How? I mean, that's so amazing Naru, but how?" He didn't understand how a male could have children. Kurama caught his crows dark eyes and indicated that he'd explain later. "Kami - it doesn't matter- that's awesome, I'm happy for you." He knew that his homosexuality and having only a male partner meant he wouldn't be able to have children of his own, but he would make do with doting on Naruto and Kakashi's children instead. The four decided that they would have a small celebratory meal at the Ichiraku Ramen stand, deciding that if Naruto used a transformation jutsu that he would be safe enough to go out for a meal at a safe place. Of course, he chose to use his 'sexy jutsu', but made more mature he looked a lot like Kushina Uzumaki, except for the streaked blond hair. After dinner the group were heading back to Kakashi's place when Naruto had the bright idea of scouting the Namikaze-Uzumaki Compound perimeter so they could work out the best way to move everything necessary into the compound without arousing too much suspicion from the anyone who might spot them. The quartet scouted the location and headed home. Unfortunately, what they didn't see, was that someone else was also out scouting, slithering around the perimeter of the Namikaze Compound, and was making plans for forcing the group to give them entry - and the Namikaze bloodline scrolls.

** smol time-skip cuz J-Hope is my hope **

Many hours later and well into the following day, after the group had decided on a time to move into their new home at the Namikaze-Uzumaki compound, the parents-to-be had gone to Kakashi's room to 'rest', Itachi and Kurama were left sitting on a futon, with the onyx eyed male curled up against his fox-tailed lover, and the red head was tracing lazy patterns on his lovers stomach with his fingertips. "Kyuu, will you tell me what Naruto meant that he is pregnant? He's male and last I checked guys can't have babies." The crow asked, hesitation and curiosity in his voice. "Itachi, you understand I'm a biju, a tailed beast," "Yeah, but what's that got to do with.." "I am essentially a deity, neither truly male or female and because of this both I and my host are able to carry and birth kits." "So what you're telling me is that Naruto really is going to have a baby?" "Five, Itachi. They're going to have five kits." "Oh. .. .. Oh.. .. Wait, wait - Does that mean.. Are you saying, we could..? " As what Kurama had said about both he and his host properly sunk in to Itachi's mind, he realised that he might be able to have a family with Kurama. He quickly sat up, spinning around to face his crimson haired lover. "Wait. Does that mean we..? That we.. Could have.. our own family too? I mean, not right now, it's too early, of course, but, I mean not that I don't want, but could.. is it really.. Really? Like, in the future?" The fox laughed bemusedly, a smooth and silky sound to Itachi's ears; gathering his crow close he kissed him deeply before pulling away, only after they were both left breathless. "I- we could have a family of our own," the Crow said, choking back tears. The Nine-Tailed deity easily understood Itachi's confusion knowing that only human women could become pregnant, carry, and bear offspring, but watching the realisation that having a family might be possible for his dark-haired lover was amusing to the fox, but Kurama also understood that Uchiha Itachi was one of two Uchiha's left. The onyx eyes that stared at him with a glimmer of hope shining in them, had a similar desire sneak in and lodge itself within the Kyuubi no Kitsune's heart as well.

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