57. FRI(END)S?

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PREVIOUSLY: Deidara woke to the feeling of dozens of wet, rough, and slimy sensations on his body... It felt like.. tongues? When one particularly long, wet stripe went from chin to forehead he opened his eyes. All he saw was eyes staring at him. Eyes on.. ARMS!? "NAR-UN! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!" Deidara yelled, assuming his cousin had set him up, as he moved towards Naruto menacingly, Gaara stepped in front of Naruto protectively, giving his blond a chance to catch his breath. "You will not." The crimson haired male growled.


SONG/ARTIST: When The Lights Come On - by Asking Alexandria


3rd Person's P.O.V.

Gaara growled at Deidara, standing in front of his mate and warning the upset ponytailed blond to stay back from his blond. Naruto gasped for air as he laughed, rocking on the ground and gripping his chest. 

"I ---- I can't!" Naruto gasped out, "Sas'ke-- great! T'was fuck'n perfect!!" The raven had put the arms back in the scroll and then handed it to his brother-in-law, who placed the scroll into another scroll, then sealed it into the sleeves of his robe jacket. Kakashi tried to pick up Naruto from the ground but got pulled into his lovers arms on the ground instead - their pup and kit bolting over to join in the fun on the ground, jumping and licking two of their fathers.

Deidara's snap decision to jump past Gaara and tickle Naruto while he was on the ground, still laughing and trying to catch his breath paid off. Poking his tongue out at the redhead, he tickled his cousin, who squealed and kicked his legs, laughing and screaming for the older to "NNNOOOOOO --- STAAAAHHHPPPP IIIT!" This caused Kakashi and the other Rookies in attendance to laugh at and with the number one knucklehead ninja, Kakashi holding his teal-eyed mate so that he wouldn't sand coffin Naruto's only known cousin to death. Their two kits and Ita-Kura-Dei's four kits came and jumped all over Naruto, helping Deidara to tickle the streaked blond- who rolled around on the ground, wheezing with laughter.

Once the group had calmed down, Naruto still on a high from all the laughter and cheerful atmosphere, the mission debrief was discussed with the Rookies and their Sensei because they wanted those close to them to know the truth of what had happened. Regardless of the mission debrief bringing Gaara, Kakashi and Naruto a twinge of sadness that overshadowed the success of the mission because their Wolf came a whiskers breadth from death during Danzo's fabricated ROOT mission, regardless that their own mission to rescue him was an overall success.

It was discussed between each the Sensei's (with input from each of the Rookies who were present) of what should happen to the rest of the shinobi and other people who were involved in the fake missions issued by ROOT- the ones which were actually to capture and kill the Jinchuuriki's mate, and what to do with the rest of the ROOT shinobi and ANBU teams that are still hidden in the village, the ones yet to have been discovered or uprooted.

There was a small swirl of water nearest Kakashi and a slug the size of Pakkun, his main ninken, appeared. "ANBU Wolf, Lady Tsunade requires your presence at Konoha General Hospital immediately. She said to tell you that she will burn all your Icha Icha books in front of you and broadcast your reaction to the entire village if you do not appear in front of her, post haste." Then, with another water swirl, it swished out of existence. Kakashi looked horrified at the statement from the slug and the silver haired ANBU shunshined to the General Hospital immediately.

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