19. Yeah, Baby?

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Also, going to try a new style of writing for this chapter. Don't know how it's going to work, so hang on to your seats.

(3rd Person P.O.V/Kurama focus) "Coming babe," Kurama purred wickedly before sheathing his throbbing length fully into his lovers tight passage, his lover letting out a scream that was somewhere between pleasure and pain. As Itachi was penetrated with his lovers whole length he pushed his hips out so he could fully sheathe Kurama, not leaving any space between their bodies. Feeling filled to the brim, Itachi panted while his redhead gave him a moment to adjust before pulling out and slamming into his ass again, all that could be heard for the next long while was skin slapping against skin, moans, panted pleading, breathless promises, and screams of passion that could not be muffled even if they wanted to try (which they did not). 

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3rd Person P.O.V
** elsewhere in Konoha, with Team 7, Team 8, Team 10 & Team Guy *
( around 20:20 / 8:20pm )

TEAM MIGHT GUY: Rock Lee, Tenten, Neji Hyuuga
TEAM ASUMA / 10: Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka
TEAM KURENAI / 8: Kiba Inuzuka (and Akamaru), Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuuga 
TEAM KAKASHI / 7: Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
(Naruto is not with Team 7 right now, he is with Kakashi, obviously)

It was crowded inside the BBQ Restaurant, parts of the group known as the Rookie 12 were all there having a heated discussion about what they were going to do about their friend who had been missing for 2 weeks. They didn't know what was going on and the Hokage didn't seem to want them to mention anything to anyone or go looking for Naruto. 

Sakura and Ino were busy fawning all over the raven haired Uchiha (Sasuke) who was busy wondering why he hadn't seen their Sensei for a while. Sasuke knew that Kakashi had gone on a mission but he was supposed to have come back by now because he promised he would train with Sasuke more once he returned in a few weeks- it had been a month already. Kakashi was supposed to be teaching the "last" Uchiha his special jutsu, the Chidori, and he wanted to show his Sensei how much more powerful he had become.

Teams 8, 10 and Maito Gai (except for Ino) were wondering why they hadn't seen Naruto in a while and they had realised a few days after he disappeared, that the blond knucklehead ninja hadn't been around and were very worried about his absence. They were discussing whether they ought to start a search party for their missing friend. The reason everyone is really worried about him is that Neji, after much debating and arguing, had reluctantly told the Teams about the two times he had found Naruto in really bad shape. They knew now why he'd been missing for those couple of days but were concerned something really bad had happened to Naruto. Neji Hyuuga, though appearing the least concerned of the group about Naruto's vanishing, was actually more concerned because he knew what some of the villagers were doing to Naruto; he'd secretly helped the number one knucklehead  troublemaker more than a few times; the first time the Nara had seen Naruto tied to rocks and being thrown to the bottom of the lake, and another time in an alleyway after a severe beating.

Iruka had decided to pick up some BBQ to take home for dinner and overheard the Rookie 12 arguing about where Naruto might be. Shaking his head he placed his order, he decided that while he was waiting he would talk to the group, without exposing himself too much, and let them know that their missing friend was okay. Iruka wouldn't, however, let them know Itachi was in the village or even in town, he could be killed for telling anyone that secret. He was still very embarrassed about what he had done with Itachi and Kurama... "How are you kids doing tonight?" Iruka said as he helped himself to a seat next to Tenten, opposite Shikamaru. He got a few confused looks as to why their former Sensei would join them at the table when they'd seen him place a takeout order. 

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