53. Showdown

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53. Showdown Preparations

PREVIOUSLY: "ANBU Kitsune, reporting for duty Kazekage. Gaara otouto, I will protect our family with every breath I have." A sinister smile crossed his face that sent a clear warning - FEAR ME - Itachi's eyes changed from black to royal purple and the sharingan began spinning. "I will never again let another snake into our family to destroy it. The only acceptable serpent is a dead one, burned to ashes and then scattered in thousands of different places, as well as those who follow him. I trust my otouto and his pack are more than capable to track and take care of the snake and its den. Leave the serpents to the Uchiha's, so you, the fox and the wolf can focus on hunting Rats."



3rd Person's P.O.V.
Wen Clan Focus

'Who would have known that the Uzumaki brat would cause so much trouble? All because of the traitor, Kurama, and his cursed lover!'

The Wen Clan leader, Wen Maou, cursed. Barking orders from his camp in the desert, his troops were distributed to areas surrounding Suna to trap the Suna Leader, a Kage, or whatever they called him. Soon, these Kage's would be no more and the Wen Clan would rule over them all.

The battlefield that the Wens had set for the battle was to cause as much havoc as possible - nobody would be able to escape the massacre they had planned to lure this Kage out... and the first of the two traitorous beings who had caused the Wens to take this long to recover!


3rd Person's P.O.V.
Kurama, Gaara Focus

Gaara received reports via Kakashi's ninken that there was an army of heavily armed chakra users surrounding Suna, but that they seemed to be waiting for something. Kurama felt that something was off, unusual, about the situation and urged the others that they needed to make the first move. The crimson haired leader agreed that something did not feel right about the way the wind was blowing.

Mission messages were sent out straight immediately to all active ninja and less explicit notices to every resident of Sunagakure to be on high alert as there was an immediate and severe danger to all of Suna. Everyone receiving their missive made sure that the sandstorm tunnels under their homes had plenty of supplies and began moving the vulnerable people into the tunnels; there were people who couldn't fight, were too young or old, and non-active or 'retired' nins who weren't on full active duty due to injuries in the field - but were still capable of fighting and perfect for guarding those unable to fight.

The movements above ground looked like people going about their daily lives, but the underground tunnels were a hive of activity.


3rd Person's P.O.V.
Wen Clan Focus

The Wen Clan leader laughed at the simplicity of the stupid townspeople going about their daily lives without a care - unknowing that there would be a slaughter once everything was in place. The stupid raccoon wouldn't know what hit them because, all these years, they'd learned to hide their presence from the 'tailed beasts' as the simpletons called them.

"Ha! What a primitive village!" Wen Maou laughed cruelly.

A knock came at the door and the messenger was let in. Grinning at the news that everyone and everything was set, Wen Maou gave the order for his cultivation army to begin the slaughter of this 'little backwards village'. He watched in his spiritual mirror from the comfort of his General's Tent as his cultivators began to move towards the village with malicious glee.

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