39. Down To Business

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Holding out both hands toward the men sitting on my futon and I grasped a hand of each of them, "but before we speak about that we have something more important to discuss. Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake-Uzumaki Kakashi will you take me, Subaku Gaara, as your third mate? This thread doesn't just join Hatake-Uzumaki Kakashi and myself, Naruto, it joins you and I as well. We are bound together by the threads of fate and the Biju. If you choose to accept this bond, if you accept me I will create and honour a treaty with you both. Wherever you go I will always honour both of you before anything else or anyone else. Should the desire arise I will organize for my time to be divided between both of you and Suna, however, I will always do my best to meet your needs before my own." I spoke with absolute sincerity and solemnity.

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Thanks to CrazyAnimeLife1 and her story The Triple Threat for continued inspiration for my poly scenes! I love that story - it rocks!!


SONG/ARTIST: Luna by Oneus


Subaku Gaara's P.O.V.

I was waiting for maybe a minute or two but time felt as if it had stopped. Breath bated, my pulse pounding in my ears, eyes flickering from one to the other, my palms becoming sweaty and my mouth becoming as dry as the sand in my gourd. Finally I saw Naruto incline his head in agreement with Kakashi and though both turned to me, it was Kakashi that spoke. "Subaku Gaara of Sunagakure. We of the Uzumaki-Namikaze and Hatake Clans agree to take you to be our third, bonded mate and husband. It will be our pleasure to join with you so we can be stronger for the future."

I am sure my mouth fell open. "You accept me? Just like that?" I asked, weirded out and awed that they had accepted me- I'd hoped, but not expected it. I'm not really sure what I was expecting but I'm pretty sure it wasn't that. Naruto nodded. I realised that they'd said they want to consummate as early as I was ready but I hadn't even thought they would accept me so...

I'm sure Naruto could almost read my mind by now, I know he could read my reactions we'd known each other for many years. He could see the doubt I was feeling, the heat and attraction. The sudden scent of arousal invaded my nose and I sniffed the air curiously, it smelled like burnt caramel and vanilla.

More. More. My instincts demanded I track the delicious smell so I followed it back to the silver haired male. Pressing my nose against Kakashi's neck I nuzzled into him, inhaling the intoxicating smell, noticing Naruto's familiar scent of tangerine and bergamot come closer as he cuddled up to my other side. For the first time in a long time I felt welcomed, wanted and.. needed. It was weird and it filled my chest with a warmth I struggled to realize could be affection.

We didn't move from the bed as we looked between each other, fingers intertwining. Kakashi allowed me to continue nuzzling into his neck and he kissed me gently on the cheek. Unlinking our fingers Naruto wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned into me, gently kissing the back of my neck making me shiver with the familiarity and unfamiliarity of the touch. The silver haired man in front of me brought his hands up to cup my face and softly leaned in to kiss me. I hesitantly accepted his kiss, feeling his lips on mine made that weird heat again rush under my skin.

Naruto's hand moved from my stomach to my thigh tracing his fingertips with enough pressure to distract me from the kiss with Kakashi, a moan interrupted my concentration before Naruto's quiet giggle intruded on thoughts that could take over the sensations coursing over my skin in the moment. "You sound pretty, Gaara," the breath of a whisper felt on my ear, goosebumps layering my arms as the huskiness of his voice rippled over me like his hands through the strands of my hair.

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