20. What, Baby?

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*** TRIGGER WARNING (also, spoiler): Miscarriage, violence, death, etc.. ***

PREVIOUSLY: (3rd Person P.O.V) Iruka grabbed Naruto's hand and stood up, hugging him tightly. "I am very serious, Naru, this would mean a lot to me. I am really, really, so sorry for the pain I've caused." A pair of arms wrapped around the brunette and embraced him, making him feel warmer than he'd felt for the last 2 days. "I forgive you Iruka. But I won't forget. And if you hurt Kura again, I'll kick your ass from here to Sunagakure okay?" Iruka let out a small laugh, "It's a promise Naruto. Just.. Thank you, I can't thank you enough for this, I promise I'll try to be better, for him." Squeezing him one last time, Iruka packed up the leftovers from their meal and put it in the bin on the way out, calling out his final goodbyes as he left.

NOTE: Please be patient, there will be a few P.O.V changes in this, I just couldn't work out a way around it that I was satisfied with. Also, this chapter is to thank you to DopeyDreams for your comments in previous chapters- I've been able to finish this one because of your couple of comments (thank you). I hope you like <3

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SONG/ARTIST: Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys

SONG/ARTIST: AMV version of HIGH HOPES (not sure of artist)
ANIME: Mo Dao Zu Shi. Watch on www.WCOanime.com, subbed section

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Shikamaru's P.O.V
* with Shikamaru, Neji, Kiba & Akamaru, Hinata, Shino, Choji, Tenten and Rock Lee, outside Kakashi's house *
( around 22:00 / 10:00pm )

8 of the Rookie 12 were gathered outside Kakashi's house, discussing what we ought to do about finding Naruto, and whether or not the chakra I'd sensed was actually him. Shino was currently focusing on getting his bugs into Kakashi's apartment but the wards the jounin had up were tricky to get around. We've been trying for a while to get more information when I spotted movement in the house. I caught Shino's attention and motioned for him to pay attention to the side door. We watched as Iruka came out of the side door, putting a few bags in the garbage can before leaving, wiping his eyes. Shino got his bugs ready to enter the house as soon as he saw the door open, but knowing how observant Kakashi was, I hoped they would remain undetected long enough to gather useful information. 

Hinata, Tenten, Choji and Rock Lee were surprised to find it was Iruka that came out of Kakashi's house. "What's he doing here?" "Yeah, he doesn't look so good." I heard a chorus of voices say quietly. Tenten and Choji nodding in agreement, "Maybe it's something he ate," Choji added absentmindedly, snacking on his almond muesli bar. I looked at Neji, we had a silent conversation with our eyes; I looked at him, Tenten and Lee before motioning with a point of my chin for him to follow the teacher that had left Team Seven's Sensei's residence - not needing to say a word for him to understand I wanted him to take Team Gai to follow Iruka. "You're the Team Leader, Neji. Something's off and we need to know what he knows." The lavender-eyed male nodded at me, a small smile gracing his face and softening the edges of his harsh exterior. "We will do our youthful best!" Exclaimed Rock Lee in his determined way before Team Gai took off after Iruka.

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