55. I'm Good, Baby

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PREVIOUSLY (3rd Person's P.O.V.): Sakura tried to keep her calm demeanor but as soon as they'd left, she used her communicator. Quickly she pressed the red button on her earpiece twice, selecting for only Kurama to hear her. "I know you're busy but you need to come back. Something's wrong with Itachi and I can't help him! I think he's in labour but something's not right, please hurry!" She thought a mental image of what Itachi currently looked like to the Kyuubi no Kitsune, not thinking that this distraction could be deadly. 
*** Kurama heard his communicator go off and thought to ignore it, until he heard Itachi's name. "...tachi and I can't help him! I think he's in labour but something's not right, please hurry!" He received the mental image of his mate and faltered his attacks. The Kyuubi no Kitsune flared his chakra, Shukaku turned to look at his former lover, and seeing honest fear in the kitsune's eyes he said, "Go. I'll keep them safe." Kurama nodded and disappeared in a swirl of smoke.


SONG/ARTIST: Stacy's Brother by Mad Tsai

SONG/ARTIST: I Like Boys by Todrick Hall


3rd Person's P.O.V.

As soon as Kurama appeared in the den, the crimson haired male was frozen for what felt like an eternity as he took in his lover's body. Itachi wasn't due to birth their kits for another two weeks so his body hadn't finished preparing, modifying his lovers body properly for birthing. Kurama realized he was going to have to cut his lover's abdomen open and take their kits out - his face paled to a sickly hue. He didn't think he could do it. 'NARUTO, I... help me.' The abnormally helpless deity called to his kit through the link of the jinchuuriki/biju seal, the one where only Naruto could hear Kurama. 'I can't do it.. I can't cut Ita open and ... I'm not violent and I don't enjoy bloodshed normally, but deliberately cutting my Ita's outsides and pulling him apart - I can't do it!' The giant fox's thoughts began to run rampant as he panicked at the sight of his lover, semi-conscious on the couch, panting in pain.

Sakura sensed Kurama shunshin in and looked his way. "Thank goodness you're here. I need you to come and be with Itachi while I prepare emergency things because we'll have to give him a cesarean section to keep both him and your kits safe." When Kurama didn't respond Sakura looked at the tall male weirdly, curious as to why he didn't move or respond to her. She patted Itachi's head again and whispered, "Everything's okay now Itachi, Kurama's here, I'll get him to hold you for a short while." The pinkette stood up and pulled (dragged) the crimson haired male over to his lover, currently in the shape of a fox but instead of being coated with fur, he was covered in a baby birds soft downy feathers and some randomly appearing full grown feathers, glossy and shiny black that, if he were in the sunshine, Kurama was certain they would have a glorious rainbow shine to them.

Kurama looked at the pinkette, "I can't help him except to ease his pain. Get Naruto, or the dog boy's sister- I... we... something! We have to cut him open to take the kits out... I don't... I can't..." He sighed frustratedly, not able to fully form the sentences through the panic he was trying to pretend didn't exist. 'I didn't think this through, I ought to be the one carrying the kits! I should have realised that Ita's body wouldn't modify completely and -'

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