31. Blood In The Water

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Image is not mine. credits to the original artist.


PREVIOUSLY: Shisui held his hand out for his cousin to pull him up. "Think about it. Your big brother, your Sensei and your rival are all gay. Why would any of us judge you? You're family, we love you. You can't choose who you love, Sasuke." Sasuke felt a few tears escape and spill over his cheeks in relief at the words from his cousin. "Even if it is the stinky dog-boy Inuzuka," the older added teasingly, Sasuke pounced on him and began wrestling with Shisui, "He does not stink! He smells good - so take it back!! He doesn't stink, you do!" "Nuh-uh, not going to take it back, your dog boy totally smells terrible." "HE DOES NOT! TAKE IT BACK NOW!" The sight of Sasuke and Shisui yelling and play fighting on the floor is what Itachi and Kurama, Kakashi, Naruto and the rookies walked in on.

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3rd Person's P.O.V.

The group were shocked at the sight of the unemotional Sasuke getting noticeably aggressive and defending someone other than himself. Kiba felt his cheeks flush on hearing what Shisui was teasing the raven about that got him so defensive but after no action was taken (and hearing the word 'dog' again) Akamaru bounded over to the tussling boys and pounced on them; joining in the fun with yipping and licking them. The two didn't stop wrestling but they did stop their yelling (sort of) and it was reduced to, "DOES NOT!" and "DOES TO!"

Since the medium sized dog joining them didn't stop their fighting both of them were forcefully pulled apart by Shikamaru's Shadow Imitation jutsu. "HEY!" Sasuke angrily called out, then he saw who was standing in the doorway with big grins or snickering at them. Sakura was the first to speak. "It was either that or dousing you both with water for behaving like a pair of delinquents. Which would you prefer?"

Naruto laughed as he fake pouted, "Yeah but 'Kashi wouldn't let me toss a bucket of water over ya, 'cuz he didn't want to clean it up, and neither do I." Kakashi's arm wrapped around his lovers waist and pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to his fiancé's temple. As both Uchiha's caught their breath they realised they had a significant audience, Sasuke's face flushed bright red and looked as if it were about to catch fire when he realised Kiba's obvious staring; he didn't know how much the other boy had heard them yelling about and the raven wanted to sink through the floor. 

Shikamaru released his Shadow Imitation as Kiba sauntered over to the Sasuke, slinging an arm around his shoulders. "Hey man, I do smell like a kennel sometimes but thanks for stickin' up for me anyways, though if ya like the smell that much maybe ya can come help me sometime," Kiba laughed, being half serious and hoping his crush would pick up on the innuendo. The youngest Uchiha felt his face heating up even more than it already was, "Sure, whatever. Uh, I gotta go." The raven turned and sprinted from the group, face aflame and laughter echoing after him.

Naruto's silver haired mate pulled everyone to the lounge room and invited them to be seated. The ANBU heaved a sigh and even Naruto looked up at him in concern, frowning. "It hasn't even been a week since we moved in but someone knows we're here, there were a couple of attempts to break the blood-seals last night." Kakashi looked around the room seriously, "Did any of you see or sense anything unusual on your way here?" Traces of hope were evident in his voice and the look in his eyes. The rookies considered carefully their individual or group trips to the Namikaze-Uzumaki Compound over the last few days and as Kakashi looked at each of them in turn, they shook their heads 'no' - until he got to Hinata. "I-i saw something but I-i don't know if it's important." She stuttered. 

"Tell us everything."

Neji encouraged her but Kiba stopped him, "Sasuke needs to be here for this so Hinata only has to say it once, I'll get Akamaru to fetch him." Itachi and a few others agreed so Kiba asked his four-legged friend to collect the raven from wherever he'd flown off to in the Namikaze-Uzumaki compound. In a matter of a few minutes they were rewarded with Akamaru dragging an embarrassed Sasuke by the pocket of his pants leg into the room and then depositing the raven on his owner's lap and Sasuke's face went from pale porcelain to the red of the cherry tomatoes he so loved. Kiba thanked his furry friend and wrapped an arm around his crushes waist, "Sit. Stay." Kiba said, both the raven in his lap and his nin-ken H did as they were told. Kiba refusing to acknowledge that he was probably just as red as the raven.

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