13. You Got Me, Love Talk

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I'm publishing this chapter because it's 01:40 am on a Sunday 22.03.2020 and I don't have a life. I've been stuck in the same place for hours (thanks, Pein) and I think it's a really good idea at stupid o'clock in the AM to publish a chapter with over 4500 words. I've re-written, added and removed parts of chapters from the first chapter to this chapter all of yesterday and today - I think I can promise to stop fucking with my published book chapters now.
Also, the book I just finished reading (literally) totally fucking rocks. 

Read that shit. The book is called: MAYBE I'M NOT WORTHLESS (PARK JIMIN x BTS FANFICTION) BY yoonmin_forevs. Just read it - you won't be sorry. <3 I PURPLE YOU <3

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know I said I wouldn't mess anymore with my chapters, but seriously, read SATURATION | YOONMIN by avocadomin <3 <3 <3

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(3rd Person P.O.V) Kakashi smiled a wide genuine smile, for the first time in quite a long time, "I know baby. I haven't felt like this before either. Naru, you're the first to make me feel like this. To make me feel .. I don't know .. complete. I adore you," pressing a kiss to his lovers forehead, Kakashi turned his head to look at Naruto and was surprised by the sight that greeted him- was this the same boy that had gotten into the shower with him an hour ago..? Naruto raised his glazed blue eyes to meet Kakashi's grey ones, to find them widened and his mouth slightly parted in wonder, putting his palm to Kakashi's cheek he asked worriedly, "'Kashi.. What's.. What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" At the doubt he heard in Naruto's voice, he took his lovers face in both his hands and kissed him soundly. "No. Kami, I love you so much Naru,"

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SONG: Middle of the Night (full MV)
ARTIST: Monsta X

Probably Useless & Random Facts: Monsta X are a K-pop group who have songs in several languages, including Korean, Japanese and English (like this one), and have collaborated with artists such as Steve Aoki and French Montana.

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3rd Person P.O.V

Kakashi stared at Naruto for an endless minute, admiring the young man who stared worriedly back at him. "Kashi, please, what's wrong? Tell me." Naruto pleaded again, this shook the older male out of his trance. "I.. You're ... Ah, Kami... You need to see.. Naru, you're.. wow.. " Kakashi wasn't able to form his words properly because he was dazed from both the afterglow of their lovemaking and from the new beauty he saw in front of him. Shifting Naruto to get them both up, a shiver of sensation making his body tremble at the feeling of Naruto's length slide out of him leaving an empty sensation and feeling his lovers cum dribble out his pounded hole, he whimpered involuntarily. Reaching for the washcloth again Kakashi turned up the heat of the shower and quickly but thoroughly cleaned them both. Once he was done, Kakashi wrapped Naruto into the largest, softest, and fluffiest towel the blond was sure he'd had ever touched, and when he'd done that, after wrapping his own towel around his waist he kissed his blond soundly, moving him the few steps backwards toward the bathrooms huge mirror. Another make-out session later, Kakashi stood them both in front of the mirror and wiped the moisture off it. "You, baby. This.. Gorgeous.. You were already perfect, but you, you're just... beyond perfect.. you're stunning." The silver-haired male half whispered in awe into his lovers ear, causing the younger to shiver when he placed a soft kiss on the side of his neck just under his ear after turning him to face the mirror. Naruto's eyes widened in shock at what he saw. 

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