50. Vendetta Mission

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PREVIOUSLY: "Gaara-kit. You will soon understand why I slapped your mate. I will not apologize for the action, only the pain it caused Naruto-kit, Wolf-kit and yourself. I hope you will forgive me in the future." With that, I closed the first door behind myself, Sasuke and Kiba as we made our way up the stairs to the kitchen and dining area. We found Sakura and a shirtless Shisui were upstairs; the young woman was tending to a large, open gash across the back of the Uchiha's shoulder and he, drinking a healing herbal tea she had prepared. There were several other bandages already wrapping his arms and chest. "Shisui? What happened!?" Sasuke cried out, making his cousin flinch at the sound.


Mini time reversal (to when the 1st group went upstairs)
Uchiha Sasuke's P.O.V.

"Shisui? What happened!?" I yelled across the room, my cousin flinching from the sound. Sakura glared at me to shut up or quiet down- she sure has changed since she isn't all over me anymore but I never really understood why, until all this went down and Kiba stayed by my side. I looked at Kiba and he grabbed my hand firmly, squeezing it and smiling at me. "It's alright, he's okay. Sakura's got him, yeah." My lips lifted in a twitch of a smile.

"Hn." I replied, a little upset, making Kiba roll his eyes at me before pulling me over to sit at the table with Shisui. We all sat down and I watched Sakura as she worked on my cousin, hands carefully cleaning and tending the small and the large wounds on his body. "Sui, how did you end up like this?" I asked him, curious as to what could have left him in such a condition. It looked like the worst wound began on the back of his shoulder blade, came across the front of his shoulder, and halfway down his chest and down over his stomach.

"What happened? When did you get here? How many people were there? Do you know who it was?" I shot questions at him without waiting for him to answer the last before asking for the next one. My head was suddenly aching as Sakura smacked me across the back of the head. "Shut it! I'm trying to heal him and I need him to stay still so you need to shut up Sasu-gay. He will tell the story once the others get here, alright?" Rubbing the back of my head I rolled my eyes at her, frowning, "Fine." I grumped.

Kiba and I made drinks for everyone downstairs and, after Kiba turned Akamaru to his person form, he sent Akamaru to take the tray to them. Getting a weird feeling like we're being watched, I tugged his elbow, he turned around gave me a frown. "What's up?" I shook my head, my mouth opening and closing for a minute - as if someone was physically trying to stop me from speaking. Grabbing his hand, feeling like I was moving slowly, sluggishly, I tried to shake the feeling off. Not liking that I couldn't, I asked everyone, "Does anyone else feel like they can't move properly? Like there's a heaviness in the air and they're being watched?"

Sakura and Kiba shook their heads, Shisui nodded. "This relates to what happened to me. We need to talk to Naruto and - MMPH!" Sakura had clamped her hand over my cousin's mouth before he could name Kurama because she knew, like I did, that if someone really was watching us then we needed to be cautious.

Someone knocked on the front door and called out as they let themselves in. Sakura and I quickly decided what was happening next, she and Shisui remained at the table while Kiba and I stood either side of the doorway. As the voices neared us, I picked out Shikamaru, Neji, Ino, Rock Lee and Shino, Kiba indicated he recognised them too. We relaxed a little as they came through the door to the kitchen and tried to scare Ino and Neji at least for our efforts and pretending to not be concerned at the unexpected visit from our comrades. Sakura, Kiba and I got dragged into a warp-like portal before I could ask why the others were here, looking around it didn't take me long to work out where we were - although Shisui was holding tightly onto Sakura this time.

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