49. They Did... What... Now?

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PREVIOUSLY: "Gaara-kit. You will soon understand why I slapped your Naruto. I will not apologize for the action, only the pain it caused Naruto-kit, Wolf-kit and yourself. I hope you will forgive me in the future." With that, I closed the first door behind us as we made our way up the stairs to the kitchen and dining area. We found Sakura and a shirtless Shisui were upstairs; the young woman was tending to a large, open gash across the back of the Uchiha's shoulder as he swallowed a healing herbal brew from a glowing mug. There were other bandages already wrapping his arms and chest.


3rd Person's P.O.V

Once the others had left to go upstairs, and the door had closed securely behind them, Kakashi took both Gaara and Naruto's hands. Looking at them sincerely the former Sensei bowed to Gaara.

"Gaara, I apologise for Naruto being disciplined the way he was, but it was necessary. Something happened a while ago to our Love. You know of his past, how he would blame himself for the villagers' abuse, even though none of it was his fault, yes?" Gaara nodded in acknowledgement, his teal eyes unblinking as he watched Kakashi cautiously, waiting for the older to continue. Kakashi slowly and carefully explained what had happened to Naruto by Xue Yang, some words sticking in his throat.

Beginning with the backstory of Kurama's past, Shukaku injecting titbits of his knowledge with what had happened at the time, but the silver haired jounin choked again as he got to the part where Naruto had been assaulted. He couldn't speak the words aloud, as if that when he spoke them, he would bring about the memories and shatter the scar that had begun to heal over the wound, as if it would be ripped open again.

They all felt Naruto begin a mind-link, including Kurama, and indicating for Gaara to include Shukaku to their telepathic link. The blond began to play a reel, seemingly like an old-time movie with the old school reels, that horrified everyone who watched it... Because they didn't just watch it... They felt it - an echo of everything Naruto felt, everything he experienced.


The replay began with a scene Gaara recognized as being in Naruto's mindscape, except that it was grey and stormy, and the winds were especially freezing to him and Shukaku, since he was used to the sandy deserts of Suna. A thick mist oozed over the land, making it dreary and dull - completely the opposite of Naruto's usual cheerful demeanour. They watched as Kurama called out for Itachi, and as he shimmered into existence, running to Kurama as he hunched over a blond-haired mess of a person. 'Uchiha - I need you! Hurry!' The crimson haired person called, Itachi came immediately and when he realized who the child was his face blanched.

It was one of a very few times Shukaku had heard genuine panic and fear in Kurama's voice. It sent a shiver down his spine and the premonition he had was that this was nothing like what was to come.

"Kyuu? I'm here, Kiba's back. What's wrong?" Itachi called as he moved toward Kurama through the mist. "Itachi! Come quickly, Kit needs us, and I... I can't reach him, Ita, and their kits are being affected because Kit's still stuck in Kiba's mind. I can't get him! I can't bring him back, Itachi, I... help me! Please... help me." The fox twisted to look pleadingly at the Uchiha, tears streaking down his face- it was the second time in his existence that Shukaku had seen his former mate shed tears, he focused again as the Uchiha spoke again, "I'm here. What do you need me to do?"

"I don't know what to do to bring him back, Ita. I can't find a trace of him, what if he..." "Don't. You need to stop." Itachi stated bluntly to the fox, "Stop thinking like this because it isn't going to help. You are usually the calm one. I know you're worried but you need to take a deep kami-damned breath and settle the fuck down." "Huh- what?" "Good. That got your attention. Breathe. Then tell me what you've tried and we'll see what else we can do to get him back."

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