33. Dying In Your Arms

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Author's Apologies (before the story continues):

Dear Kits,

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. This story isn't writing itself as it was and though I've got a plot and events planned for this, it's just not working for me right now. I've pre-written a heap of my other story (Thirteen Reasons Why) which is why I'm still posting mini chapters for it.

It's coming up to my first Christmas without my Gran (Mums Mum) who passed in September from cancer [that the doctors failed to diagnose since AT LEAST February 2020], my second Christmas without my Dad who died in a motorcycle accident and my third Christmas without my stepMum who was run over by a bus [I shit you not, the bus was parked on top of her for at least forty minutes]...

The season is doing a real number on my mental health so I'm going to take a bit of an extended break - I know I keep doing this to You Were My Light but it's hard with mental illness and PTSS (Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms). It's a reaction to traumatic events that have happened to not only you but also loved ones. All I can think about right now is how I was interrogated by the Detectives about whether or not my Dad was suicidal [he fucking wasn't!!] and the fact that more than 18 months later we are STILL trying to get his Estate sorted out. It's 98% bullshit and 100% exhausting. It's all well and good to have his SLR camera that I always wanted, but I'd take having my Dad back 110% of the time if given a choice.

Anyway. I'm really sorry for delaying this again.
I'll rest up and do my best to look after myself so I can write this story more - I have so many things planned but the words just aren't coming.

Be Safe,
I Purple You




PREVIOUSLY: Our foreheads pressed together and my twitching length in his tender and oversensitive pink star, I kissed my onyx eyed lover tenderly, wrapping my arms around him and gathering him closely to me. "Ita, I will do anything you ask of me, anything at all, and I ask only two things of you." I knew I mumbled, and it was unlike me to not speak clearly about my own wants but this... This is one thing I would not handle well. My face buried in his neck, my hands around his waist and his around my shoulders, I asked him my one favour. "I ask for your loyalty, and I.. don't leave me. Please don't leave me."  "Never."


3rd Person's P.O.V.

Keys jingled and an old, heavy lock clicked open. Footsteps echoing down the barren stone corridor to the mostly empty cells, save for one about halfway down. Sporadic bright lights illuminating the walls and long shadows cast on the floor, stretching or shortening as the figures moved further down the corridor. The prisoner could only wait for the arrival of their captor or guards, though it was too early for food. Listening carefully the prisoner thought they could distinguish several voices and found they were correct as two undefined silhouettes approached the small prison cell.

The first to approach was tall and they had black hair pulled into a low, short ponytail. The first person wore a Konoha ANBU mask, a kitsune, a long black cloak that had a high collar around the neck, embroidered with shimmering crimson red clouds which looked as if they were moving in the wind. 'Akatsuki,' she thought with a grimace on her face, 'could be their missing Uchiha, a likely bet'. The prisoner was fairly confident about the identity of the first person.

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