𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅𝙰 𝙵𝚎𝚠 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
𝙰 𝙵𝚎𝚠 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

Lexi led Elena and Sophia to the Forbes cellar where Stefan was. Lexi was Stefan's best friend before she was killed by Damon. Somehow, every supernatural creature that had died had come back to life. No one knew how long this would last for but during this time, Elena figured Lexi would be able to fix Stefan and turn his humanity back on. Lexi opened the door and the two saw Stefan chained up to a chair. The sight broke Sophia's heart. Her poor baby brother.

"Klaus really did a number on him, huh?" Lexi said.

"He compelled him to turn off his humanity." Elena said.

"Well, we're just gonna have to convince him to turn it back on." Lexi said. "I'll have to warn you both, this isn't going to be pretty."

"We can handle it." Sophia said.

Lexi went over and kicked the chains, making Stefan wake up. "Wake up sleepy head." Lexi said. "How are you feeling?"

Stefan looked around on confusion, not knowing what was going on.

"What is this?" Stefan asked as he tugged on the chains that tied him up. "Let me out of here."

"Shush, inside voices please." Lexi said. "I'm trying to get inside your head."

"Elena, get rid of her please." Stefan asked.

"No." Elena said.

"Soph, come on." Stefan said. "Klaus told me to be nice to you. Please, let me go."

"I'm sorry Stefan but we need to fix you." Sophia said.

"First step, drying him out." Lexi said. "Starve away the blood lust. Strip away the temptation."

"This isn't gonna work Lexi. You can't do this." Stefan said with a sick laugh.

"You heard the not pretty part?" Lexi asked.

"Yep." Sophia said.

Lexi bent down and began staring at Stefan and pretty soon, Stefan began shuffling in his seat.

"What are you doing, Lexi?!"

"Doing what I do best." Lexi said. "I'm saving your life."

Stefan growled and Sophia sighed. She hated her brother suffering like this but there was nothing else she could do.

"I'm starving. I'm starving." Stefan growled. "Let me out! Let me out!"

"What happening?" Elena asked.

"He's hallucinating. That's three months without any blood." Lexi said.

"Let me out!"

"Now, he's at nine months." She said before he growled. "Two years."

Stefan growled loudly, making Sophia breathe heavily. She wasn't the one being tortured and she could feel the pain.

"Five." Lexi said.

"Did I tell you how glad I am that you're dead?" Stefan growled.

"Aww, I miss you too friend." Lexi said.


It had now been a while and Stefan still wasn't close to flipping the switch. He was shaking and sweating.

"Elena. Elena. I'm hurting. Please help me." Stefan said. Elena was obviously finding this hard to watch as was Sophia.

"Don't listen. Shut him out." Lexi said.

"I am helping you Stefan" Elena said.

"I'll do anything. I'll change." Stefan said. "I promise."

"It's a lie." Lexi said. "He'll say anything right now."

"Elena, I'm sorry. Just make it stop. Please just make it stop." Stefan begged.

"You have to separate yourself from your emotions. Don't let him play on them." Lexi said.

"Hey, look at me. Look at me." Stefan said. "Elena, I love you, okay? I love you."

"I'm sorry Stefan. I just don't believe you." Elena said.

"Soph? Please. I love you so much Soph. Please help me. You know I'd do anything for you." Stefan said as Sophia looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Stef. I just want my brother back." Sophia said.

Stefan then glared at Elena. "You know what, Elena? I don't want your help anyway. I wish I'd never met you. Every moment I've spent with you has been a complete and total waste. And you Sophia. I wish you never came back. Damon and I were doing just fine without you."

"You see that? That's the ripper talking." Lexi said. Sophia didn't let what Stefan said to her get to her head. She knew this wasn't her brother saying all this. "Once he's weak enough, you have to cause him pain, make him feel things, anger, rage, anything. You have to make him see past the blood."

Lexi then stabbed Stefan in the arm, making him growl in pain. "Think of it as regimen. Day in and day out. Like running the treadmill or making coffee, until he's ready to be saved."

"I WILL RIP YOU APART LEXI!" Stefan yelled.

"You can't. I'm already dead." Lexi said before stabbing him yet again. Stefan growled as Elena and Sophia jumped, holding onto each other. This was torture for both of them. Elena left and Sophia stayed.

Lexi continued torturing Stefan until Elena came back. "We're running out of time." Elena said.

"You gotta buy her more time, Elena." Sophia said.

"I can't."

"No, not until I break through." Lexi said.

"I can't Lexi. They have the necklace. They're going to close the door." Elena said.

"The necklace. That necklace. At least tell me how you felt about that." Lexi asked Stefan. "You found it during your darkest time. And you said that when you made it through, that necklace represented hope."

"Ironic then that it's gonna get blown to pieces." Stefan said. Sophia looked at her brother in despair. Nothing was working. Stefan didn't wanna seem to come back. Lexi looked up and realised it was time for her to go. She failed. She couldn't bring Stefan back.

"He's still in there Sophia, Elena." Lexi said. "You just have to break through."

"We know what we need to do. You can be free." Sophia said before Lexi disappeared.

" Sophia said before Lexi disappeared

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