𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢-𝚜𝚒𝚡

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

Klaus was enraged. He found out Marcel had been to the plantation and now Sophia was missing. That couldn't be a coincidence. Marcel had messed with the one person in his life he would give up his life for. Marcel wouldn't get away with this. Klaus turned up at the compound where Marcel was hosting fight night. He went over and snapped the neck of the vampire who had won the fight and everyone went silent. Marcel was stood on the balcony, watching.

"Good evening. I'd like a word." Klaus said, keeping his anger hidden for now. If it wasn't hidden, all the vampires surrounding him would be pretty much dead at that point.

"What do you think you're doing?" Marcel asked.

"It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy animals." Elijah said as he went to stand by his brother. Sophia was his sister in law, the woman that made Klaus a better man. Elijah loved her like a sister and she was pregnant. He wouldn't just stand by and let her get hurt. "We've come here for Sophia. Give her to us or we kill everyone here, starting with you."

"You two have got a lot of nerve coming into my home and making demands." Marcel said, still stood on the balcony.

"Your home, is it?" Klaus growled.

"Sophia! I will not ask again." Elijah said.

"Ahh yes. Sophia. Yay high. Dark hair. Stunning, might I add, like drop dead gorgeous. Innocent and a little shy. And engaged to the original hybrid." Marcel said, making Klaus look at him confused. "Oh come on. Did you really think I didn't know you were engaged when you came here? The whole world knows about Sophia Salvatore, the sweet and innocent human that fell for the big bad Klaus Mikaelson. I knew she was in New Orleans the second I bumped into you. I actually applaud you, Klaus. You really caught a good one. But one question that's burning in my mind, how does someone that stunning and that pure end up with someone like you? Is it compulsion, manipulation or just luck?"

"Where. Is. She?" Klaus growled, growing more and more angry. Hearing what Marcel said about his love made him beyond angry. He knew without a doubt that Sophia truly loved him but to hear Marcel accusing him of compelling or manipulating her to care for him, he couldn't believe Marcel could think so low of him, that he believed Klaus really couldn't be loved by anyone. If he found out Marcel had hurt her in any way, Marcel would have a tombstone with his name on it.

"I don't have her and before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic so I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave and imagine my surprise when I realised that the Original family of vampires had taken up residence." Marcel said. "Your girl, Sophia answered the door. We exchanged hellos. That was it. You don't believe me? Look around. Hell, I'll even help you find her. But the question is, if Sophia isn't here, where is she?"

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