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y/n walked down one of the large corridors, heading back towards her dorm after returning a book back to the library. she turned a corner and saw a large group of both students and teachers standing around harry. she walked over quickly, wanting to see what all the fuss what about. she looked up at the wall, her eyes going wide.

"the chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware." it was written in blood. filch's cat was hung by a hook, petrified.

"enemies of the heir, beware." y/n heard draco say from next to her as he had also walked up, "you'll be next, mudbloods."

filch then pushed through the students, demanding to know what was going on before seeing mrs. norris, "you've murdered my cat."

harry shook his head violently, "no, no."

"i'll kill you!" filch screamed, grabbing harry by the collar of his robe.

dumbledore quickly parted through the students sending everyone back to their dormitories. y/n quickly turned to walk away, draco not far behind her. they walked silently down to the dungeons and into their rooms. y/n laid in her bed, paying no attention to either pansy or marley as she was too caught up in wondering what the words on the wall meant.


"could i have your attention, please?" professor mcgonagall asked as she stood up from her chair. "right, now today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets."

draco, who was once again sat next to y/n with marley and pansy in front of them and goyle and crabbe behind them, raised his eyebrows.

"like so," mcgonagall then proceeded to tap the bird in front of her three times before saying "vera verto." the bird then transformed into a beautiful, clear water goblet with a golden rim. "now it's your turn. who would like to go first? ah, mr. weasley. one, two, three. vera verto."

ron nodded before doing the spell on his rat, he cleared his throat. he tapped scabbers three times and then said, "vera verto!" although he had said the spell perfectly, the rat turned into a hairy goblet with a tail due to his broken wand. everyone laughed.

"that wand needs replacing, mr. weasley." professor mcgonagall then turned around and made her way back up to her desk. hermione raised her hand.

"professor, i was wondering if you could tell us about the chamber of secrets."

mcgonagall looked surprised at her words but soon said, "very well. you all know, of course that hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. godric gryffindor, helga hufflepuff, rowena ravenclaw, and salazar slytherin." the woman then proceeded to tell the class about the four, and about the supposed chamber salazar had built. "the heir alone would be able to open the chamber, and unleash the horror within, and by so doing purge the school of all those who, in slytherins view, were unworthy to study magic."

y/n watched as draco sat straighter in his seat, an evil smile on his face. she narrowed her eyes and looked down towards the books on her desk, wondering who the heir may be. quite frankly, she didn't even suspect draco as being the heir as she genuinely thought he was too much of a coward to pull off such a large task. he may act big and tough, but she knew deep down that it was all just an act.


y/n stood in the tall stands with pansy at her side, waiting for the quidditch game to begin. marley had stayed in their dorm, working on an essay that y/n had yet to even start.

the girl looked down towards her neck where dracos scarf sat. he had begged her to wear it and be his good luck charm, but he truly didn't need to beg. y/n would've worn it regardless.

after a few minute wait, both the slytherin and the gryffindor team flew out into the field. the game started quickly and y/n cheered loudly clapping her hands every time her house scored points. she may have friends on the other team, but she really wanted her house to win.

after the score was announced, that slytherin was in the lead with 90 to 30, y/n watched as a bludger smacked oliver wood off of his broom and down to the ground. the ball then flew passed harry but quickly turned itself around and zoomed swiftly at him, following him everywhere he went. she continued to watch as the bludger smacked through the stands, still chasing the boy.

not long after, both harry and draco raced each other to grab the snitch. they went out of view yet y/n could still tell where they were as the bludger smacked through the wood.

the girl then watched as draco was flung off his broom and onto the grass, screaming as he went.

she gasped loudly before yelling, "draco!"

it was then announced that harry had caught the snitch, winning the game for gryffindor. y/n didn't care, instead she ran down towards the grass where draco was still sat as he clutched his stomach.

"where does it hurt?" she asked rapidly as she knelt down beside him.

he groaned, "everywhere!"

she examined him, checking for broken bones or wounds and finding none. she knew he was just being overly dramatic. she helped him stand up.

"you may not have won, but you did absolutely amazing." she applauded as she put his arm over her shoulder.

they walked back towards the castle as he said, "guess you wearing my scarf didn't do me much good, now did it? it does look better on you than me, however."

she laughed at his flirtatious remark and rolled her eyes lightly, still helping him walk back to their school.

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now