forty three

642 19 26

it was august 16th, y/n's birthday. the day had been full of smiles and laughter. all of her friends had come to celebrate with her and her parents. it wasn't a large celebration, it was simple and in her eyes, perfect.

around 8 p.m. everyone had started to leave after wishing her one last birthday wish. marley squeezed her tightly before she walked out of the door, "i love you until the end of time, y/n."

y/n smiled at her best friend, "forever and always."

draco stood next to her with his hand on her lower back. she blushed gently as he began to trace small patterns with his fingers, his touch brewing up a fire within her skin. he wouldn't be going home tonight, she had begged her parents to let him stay over and after a long consideration, they agreed.

she closed the front door behind marley before turning her body to face draco. she smiled at him and placed a slow kiss on his lips, allowing her lips to hover over his for a moment. he gripped her tightly, pressing his fingers into her back.

her parents had gone up to bed around 10 and y/n drug her boyfriend up to her room, shutting the door behind her. she turned to see him sat on her bed, staring intensely at her. she looked at him as she leaned against the door, "what?"

"come here." he said. she walked up to stand in front of him, in between his legs. he let his finger crawl up her thigh slowly, not breaking his eye contact. "you look absolutely stunning."

his words made her breathing cut short. she placed a finger under his chin before leaning down to kiss him again. he gripped her leg, his nails digging into her skin. she pulled away, taking a slight step back. he watched her as she let her hair down, it falling messily down her shoulders.

he put his arms behind him, repositioning himself. she just stood, and he stood up. he wrapped his right hand gently around her neck, "what do you want?"

she didn't say anything, but instead bit her bottom lip. the butterflies in her stomach couldn't contain themselves. he moved his hand up slightly, running his thumb across her bottom lip as she let it go.

he looked deeply into her eyes, his glistening blue orbs made her body tingle. he removed his hand and went to sit on the bed once more. he removed his jacket, leaving him in only his black button up shirt. he unbuttoned the top, leaving the rest. he ran a veined hand through his hair and looked at her again.

"y/n." he growled, his voice deeper than usual, "take your clothes off."

she smirked, "take them off for me."

his eyes grew dark as he narrowed them. his tongue danced across his lower lip. she walked up to him, placing her hand on his chest and pushing his body back. she dropped to her knees, staring up at him innocently, "what do you want?"

"every inch of you. just make sure you keep quiet."


the next morning the sun shined brightly through the window curtains. draco's arm was wrapped tightly around y/n as she laid on his chest. his eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly parted, soft snores could be heard. his hair was a mess and the sunshine made his face almost glow. he looked mesmerizing.

she ran a gentle finger down his shirtless torso and he began to stir in his sleep. he opened his eyes slowly, the bright light from the window made him wince. he looked down at the girl next to him and she giggled, making him smile. he pulled her in tighter after kissing her forehead.

"morning." she said.

"good morning, darling." he said as he shut his eyes once more.

she ran a finger down his neck over the purple bruises that coated it. he smirked as he felt her touch, "round 2?"

"absolutely not." she said through a laugh as she got up from the warm bed. she had an oversized shirt covering her small body and her hair was up in a messy bun. draco followed her with his eyes as he watched her walk into the small bathroom that was connected to her room.

"do you think your parents heard?" he asked from the bed.

she looked over towards him and pulled the toothbrush from her mouth, "god, i hope not otherwise i'm in trouble."

he laughed, running his hand through his hair, "what can i say? i'm the best at what i do."

"oh shut up." she giggled. he stood from the bed and walked towards her, leaning down to give her a kiss.

she pulled her head away, "draco, please brush your teeth."

"why? the last thing i ate was you."

her eyes went wide as she looked at him, her cheeks burning red, "don't."

he laughed at her flushed face and turned around to get dressed. after they had both gotten ready for the day y/n pulled him downstairs for breakfast.

"where's your mum?" he asked as he sat down on a stool.

"work." she said.

"and your dad?"


he gave her a smirk and raised one of his eyebrows and she just laughed, "don't even think about it, malfoy."

"but i'm not hungry for breakfast."

"maybe not, but you are just a horny teenage boy, and i need a break."

he smiled at her and watched as she poured two mugs of coffee. even though everyone constantly drank it, she didn't care for tea. she handed a cup to her boyfriend and he accepted it, placing his mouth on it to take a sip.

"i'm going to go to diagon alley today to help mum in the shop for a bit. do you want to come?" she asked as she took a seat next to him.

"for a little, maybe. i'm supposed to be meeting my mother today."

"oh, for what?"

he shook his head, "nothing important. just some family business."

she nodded, "alright. well if you're around, you know where to find me."

"of course. besides, it may be a bit awkward to be around your mum right now."

y/n laughed, "don't say that. we're supposed to be hoping she hadn't heard anything."

he gave her a knowing look, "i suppose you're right."

they continued to sip on their drinks. "are you excited for school?" the girl asked.

"not really, no. the only reason i'm still going to the bloody place is to see you."

she looked at him and smiled, "well either way, i'm happy i'll get to see you everyday."

"me too, princess."

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now