sixty seven (19 years later)

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"c'mon then. we don't wanna be late, do we?" draco yelled to his wife and two children who were all running around the house frantically.

"we're ready, dad!" scorpius said through a sigh as he rolled his eyes.

"we're just waiting on mum." marley added as she looked towards her twin brother.

draco sighed and knelt down, taking his two 11 year old children into his arms. "when aren't we waiting for mum?"

"i heard that!" y/n yelled as she finally walked out of the kitchen. she smiled down at the three and grabbed marley's hand, leading her outside towards the family car.

"i sure hope you both have everything. we won't have time to make any stops on the way." draco said as he climbed into the driver's seat.

"i have everything." scorpius said as he patted his pockets, "wait, no i don't."

the young boy ran quickly back into the house and y/n couldn't help but laugh at her husband's annoyed expression.

"he's your son." marley said sarcastically from the backseat.

draco turned his head, "he's your brother!"

"unfortunately." marley said through a scoff, making y/n playfully roll her eyes.

after scorpius had returned back to the car, draco drove as quickly as he could until the four made it to the kings cross station.

it was nearing 11, and they all quickly walked down the podium until they made it to the familiar platform.

they walked through the pillar and the two young children gawked at the train in front of them.

"wow." marley said in amazement.

y/n smiled down at her daughter and ran a soft hand through her hair. "are you ready, darling?" she asked as she leaned down to press a kiss to her head.

marley began to say something but scorpius cut her off, "don't worry, mum. i'll protect her and make sure she stays out of trouble."

draco chuckled from next to y/n and wrapped an arm around her waist, "if anything, marley should be making sure you stay out of trouble."

marley laughed and stuck her tongue out at her brother, gently hitting him on the back of his head. he groaned and placed a hand to where she had just hit.

"y/n?" a voice asked and y/n turned her head.

harry and ginny were approaching them and she gasped, taking them both in for massive hugs.

"oh my god, how have you both been? it's been months!" she asked as she pulled away.

"we're great, actually! heartbroken, of course, to be sending another one off to school." harry said as he ruffled his son's hair.

y/n smiled and looked down towards her nephew, "hey, sweetheart. are you excited?"

albus nodded his head, "excited and scared."

y/n nodded her head, "you'll be fine, darling. i know you'll do even greater things than your parents."

albus smiled and ginny laughed, agreeing with her words.

not long after, the group had been met with ron, hermione, and their children as well. they chatted for a bit before all of the children said one last good bye to their parents and boarded the train.

draco continued to hold y/n as they watched their two children sit with albus and rose.

y/n's eyes began to water as the train began to descend on it's way. she was so proud of both of her children and she couldn't describe the amount of contentment and heartbreak she was feeling.

draco noticed her eyes and pressed a soft kiss to her temple, "they're amazing kids, my love. they're gonna be okay."

she nodded, "i know. i'm just going to miss them so much."

"think about it this way," he began as he pressed another quick kiss to her cheek, "now we can go home and make another."

she laughed and shook her head, "some things never change, do they?"

he laughed as well and smiled down towards her, "you're amazing."

her heart swelled with love. even though they had been together for several years, he could still ignite butterflies in her stomach.

"c'mon, darling. our next adventure awaits." he grabbed her hand and led her back towards their car after taking one last look towards the train that began to grow smaller and smaller.

the end🖤

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now