sixty three

414 13 2

"hey, listen up, you lot. brought you a surprise." neville said loudly, making all of the students turn their heads.

"not more of aberforth's cooking, i hope. be a surprise if we can digest it." seamus said.

neville smirked before leaning out of the way and exposing harry and the others. the room erupted into cheers and everyone quickly welcomed them in.

"what's the plan, harry?" neville asked.

"okay. there's something we need to find." harry said loudly so everyone could hear, "something hidden here in the castle. and it may help us defeat you know who."

"right. what is it?"

"we don't know."

"where is it?" dean asked.

"we don't know that either. i realize it's not much to go on."

"that's nothing to go on." seamus said.

"i think it has something to do with ravenclaw. um, it'll be small, easily concealed. anyone, any ideas?"

"well, there's rowena ravenclaw's lost diadem." luna said shyly from the group of students, "lost diadem of ravenclaw? hasn't anyone heard of it? it's quite famous."

"luna, it's been lost for centuries." cho said, "there isn't a person alive today who's seen it."

"excuse me," ron said, "can someone tell me what a bloody diadem is?"

"it's a kind of crown." y/n said, "sort of like a, i don't know, a tiara."

ginny soon parted through the crowd quickly. "what is it, ginny?" neville asked.

"snape knows. he knows that harry was spotted in hogsmeade." she said.

not long after, the students were instructed to go to the great hall. ron left with hermione to go and find the order while y/n accompanied harry, she knew it wasn't safe to leave him alone.

all of the students stood in their designated houses yet y/n stood with the gryffindors. she knew it wasn't safe to try to make her way to the slytherin side, and even though she was dying to see marley and blaise, that would have to wait.

snape stood confidently in front of all of the students, "many of you are surely wondering why i have summoned you at this hour. it's come to my attention that earlier this evening, harry potter was sighted in hogsmeade. now, should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid mr. potter, they will be punished in a matter consistent with the severity of their transgression. furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty."

snape looked around the silent room and nobody moved. he continued, "now then, if anyone here has any knowledge of mr. potter's movements this evening, i invite them to step forward, now."

harry walked out of the students and stood in the middle of the room. everyone turned around and gasped, mumbling things to those around them.

"it seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster." harry exclaimed as the main doors opened, revealing ron, hermione, and the rest of the order.

y/n ran out into the middle of the room as well, standing confidently next to harry. "it actually appears to be quite extensive." she said as she smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"how dare you stand where he stood?" harry yelled, "tell them how it happened that night! tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him. tell them!"

snape drew his wand and mcgonagall was quick to stand in front of the two, pulling out her wand as well. y/n ran to one side and harry ran to the other, both having their wands at the ready.

minerva threw out a spell and snape blocked it. she threw out another and he blocked that one as well. she continued to throw out spells and he continued to block them, not once attempting to throw a spell back.

snape eventually turned into a ball of black smoke and flew out of the window, leaving the students to cheer.

the room grew silent as voldemort's voice danced between the walls, "i know that many of you will want to fight. some of you may even think that to fight is wise. but this is folly. give me harry potter. do this and none shall be harmed. give me harry potter and i shall leave hogwarts untouched. give me harry potter and you will be rewarded. you have one hour."

the group of students began to back away cautiously as y/n, harry, and the others stood in the middle of the room.

"what are you waiting for? someone grab him!" pansy yelled as she pointed her finger towards harry.

y/n raised her wand and pansy gasped, "parkinson, please, for the love of merlin, shut your bloody mouth you two faced, pig nosed, bitch!"

the room grew silent and pansy backed away. the order and other students began to gather around harry, showing that they planned on fighting as well. y/n beamed as marley and blaise pushed through the group of slytherins, running over towards her.

marley took her into a bone crushing hug, "i've missed you so much!"

"i've missed you, too!" y/n exclaimed as she pulled away to hug blaise.

"you're not in this alone, y/n." blaise said, "we've got your back."

filch then escorted the other slytherins out of the great hall and once again the room erupted into cheers.

the castle exploded into chaos, students and professors were running absolutely everywhere. y/n ran with marley and blaise until they reached the courtyard. they stood outside as they watched mcgonagall, flitwick, slughorn, and molly put protective barriers over the castle.

"are you ready to fight?" y/n asked as she looked between two of her best friends.

marley took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "as ready as i'll ever be."

y/n smiled and turned towards blaise. he grabbed her hand and gave it a tight squeeze, "the real question is, are you ready to fight?"

she bit down on her bottom lip, "i need to save him. he's the only thing that matters to me right now. i need to get him back."

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now