fifty nine

436 15 6

"jesus christ, can you get your nasty hands off of me?" y/n asked irritatedly as she walked down the large path towards the manor, "i can walk by myself, thanks."

the group approached the gate and bellatrix stared at them. she watched as a death eater pushed harry's face closer to her and she took in his appearance. her eyes then landed on y/n and she whispered, "get draco."

y/n's stomach did backflips as she walked towards the manor. she felt as though she was going to throw up, she hadn't seen draco in months.

as they walked inside, a death eater held onto y/n tightly behind the others after orders from bellatrix. the older woman told her that if she made a sound she would be killed on the spot.

the girl watched as draco came around the corner, staring at harry. she wanted to cry and call out to him, but she knew that she couldn't yet.

"well?" bellatrix asked as she held onto harry's head.

"i can't be sure." draco said and y/n's heart began to beat faster at the sound of his voice. she closed her eyes tightly to suppress the tears that were begging to fall.

draco leaned in front of harry and y/n watched as harry pointed his head towards her after bellatrix had walked away. the blonde boy stood up and turned around, allowing his eyes to finally land on the girl he cried about every single night.

"y/n?" he said quietly as he blinked his eyes slowly, making sure that when his eyes opened she would still be there.

y/n nodded her head, a tear running down her face, "draco."

he ran up to her quickly, shoving the death eater away and taking her into his arms tightly. he breathed in her scent as he kissed the top of her head.

"oh my god, you're okay, i'm so happy you're okay." draco said quickly as he took in her appearance.

she looked up at him as she began to cry harder. a tear fell from his eye as well, but he wiped it away. he knew he couldn't be caught crying in front of the others.

"cissy, put the boys in the cellar!" bellatrix yelled and y/n pulled away from draco, "i want to have a little conversation with this one, girl to girl!"

"no!" y/n yelled and bellatrix stepped away from hermione, sending her a deadly glare.

draco stepped in front of y/n protectively but she pushed him away, she wasn't going to let hermione get hurt. "if you want to have a conversation with someone, let it be me!"

"ah, ah, ah." bellatrix sang as she approached y/n, placing a finger under her chin, "you know, i knew i was going to like you from the very minute i met you. you're strong and confident, perfect for my little draco."

y/n glared at the woman in front of her, "let's talk, bellatrix."

bellatrix smirked and turned towards peter, telling him to place hermione in the cellar as well. the woman took y/n's hand and led her towards the middle of the room. the girl turned towards a frightened draco and she nodded her head, letting him know that she would be alright.

y/n stood still as bellatrix walked in circles around her, "that sword is meant to be in my fault at gringotts. how did you come across it?"

"i didn't." y/n said.

"well, then. who did?"

"i don't know."

"liar!" bellatrix screamed, "how did your pathetic friend have it in her bag?"

y/n took a deep breath, "we found it."

"found it? inside my fault, correct? what else did you take?"

"nothing!" y/n yelled back, angering the woman. bellatrix drew her wand before a voice spoke up and flung it away.

y/n looked over and saw ron, harry, and hermione. they began firing spells towards lucius, draco, and narcissa and bellatrix grabbed the y/h/c haired girl tightly, yelling out a "stop! drop your wands."

the group of six turned towards bellatrix and y/n and watched them in horror as bellatrix held a knife to the girls neck. the three dropped their wands and a terrified draco picked them up, not taking his eyes off of his girlfriend.

"call him." bellatrix said through a laugh, "call him!"

y/n moved her eyes to land on draco's face. his bottom lip shook and he looked as though he were going to break down.

sounds could be heard from above and y/n looked up just as a chandelier came crashing down. bellatrix pushed her away and y/n ran straight into draco's arms, kissing his trembling lips.

"take these." he whispered as he handed her the wands he was holding, "go, go! i love you!"

y/n grabbed the wands and quickly ran up to the others. she yelled out an "i love you, too" before quickly apparating away from the manor.


y/n laid on her stomach on the wet sand as she breathed heavily to try and catch her breath. she rolled over onto her back and noticed happily that she still clutched the wands draco had secretly given her.

she stood up and approached the others, taking them all in for a group hug.

"harry potter?" a small voice said. y/n turned her head and gasped as she saw dobby holding his stomach.

harry ran over quickly and the house elf fell into his arms. y/n watched him as he removed a knife from dobby's small body, it was the same one bellatrix had held to her neck.

"dobby, no. hold on, hold on. look, just hold on, okay?" harry said quickly as he held dobby close, "we'll fix you. y/n, hermione, they'll have something in their bags."

harry looked towards the two girls nervously and y/n sadly shook her head, knowing there was nothing she could do.

"help me!" harry cried, making the girl turn her head so she wouldn't break down as well.

y/n watched as harry stood up and she sniffled as she wiped her nose. he held the lifeless elf in his hands and his face showed nothing but pure, utter heartbreak.

"i want to bury him. properly. without magic."

the group walked to the top of a sandy hill and harry dug a small hole. hermione held dobby who was now draped in a white cloth and y/n walked slowly behind ron.

the four buried the dead creature and said words of love, gratefulness, and pain. y/n rested her head on harry's shoulder, knowing that this death was the hardest on him.

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now